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Please help me for Altium Designer

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action not available in 3d view

I am using altium designer summer but unable to view 3d board altium switches to 3d but only components outline is shown not actual 3d body I am using ATI CHIP SET
but using nvidia geforce graphics cad r n9500g in PCI express plase tell me what is problem. My card suport directx 10 and shadder model 4.

altium action not available in 3d view


In order to see any component's body in the 3d view, you should use components which have a PCB3D model added to them. Most of the components in the standart library of Altium doesn't have a 3d model added by default.

Rather than creating a PCB3D model from scratch, you can also add component outlines to a mechanical layer in the PCB footprint of a component and make Altium extrude the drawing in that layer to construct the 3D representation of the component. But the representation will be of course, a simple 3d solid shape in that case.


altium help

Press L in PCB editor in 3D mode, and select Yes in "show simple 3D bodies" And "STEP Models".


altium designer help

Thanks for help are step models are included in Altium or we have to purchase sepratly

pcb3d altium


Can you pls help me ? Currently I want to convert one Cadence Allegro file (.brd) into Mentor Graphics (.pcb) format. I think we can do it using Altium designer where we have import Allegro brd file & save as Altium format..then export in ASCII format for PADS2005 ...

I dont have altium Designer so I request you can you pls convert the file for me ??

I will be very thankful to u ...

Kindly waiting for your positive reply..

Thanks in advance...

Byee !!

action not available in 3d view altium

I'm having the same problem in winter 09, I can't view the PCB in 3D, nvidia geforce graphics card r 6200se Trubo, All I see is a green PCB with the outline of the components, I have used step models and aslo tried to use the manage components and put the sizes in there and still the same, I have gone into the settings has said above and ticked the boxes and restarted it but still the same, I never had this problem before I installed winter o9, I have installed the latest drivers for graphics card driver and it does support the openGL

Am I doin something wrong

should you be able to rotate the board as well ?

altium pcb3d

wizpic said:
should you be able to rotate the board as well ?

Yes, of course.
Btw, i want the repeat the question which is asked before:
Are these step models included in @ltium? If they are, then where are they? I wasn't able to find any.


altium rotate

NO but you can get them from here you will have to register but the good ting that it is free

Just download the step model drom the drop down menu, downloaf all what you need then create a new 3DPCB library then just import the step models into it, saved it then in your schematic add PCB3D the upadte well I think that is how you do it,

I can see the step model in the window Once I have gone to add PCB3D and I can rotate it, I've just found someting else out as well,

If I go to the Edit foot print I can only see the outline of the LCDand still can rotate it and in the litle tool box menu everything there it ticked, but in the edit PCB3D I can see full LCD and can rotate it Strange,When I select view menu and switch to 3D I cannot roate the board or see any components :cry:

altium unable to switch to 3d

wizpic said:
When I select view menu and switch to 3D I cannot roate the board or see any components :cry:

Are you sure that you are using the right key/mouse button combination to rotate? If you are, then it is weird because rotation has nothing to do with the drivers etc. Therefore if you can see the board, then you SHOULD be able to rotate it:)

I downloaded some STEP models from the site you've provided. I wasn't able to see the bodies in the actual PCB during my first trial. I'm gonna try it again when i have the time and post the results here if i could make it work.


altium pcb3d library

When I added a step model in the PCB library or through the schematic library I can see the step model and I can rotate that model, and view it in any angle, But when I'm in the PCB I click view 3D and all I see is a bare board wiht a slik screen, and when I click to move or rotate the board so you can view it in any angle it will not let me it tells me that "action is not available in 3D view "

Now when you watch the tut or demo you can see them viewing the baord in any angle ?

altium designer 3d view

I guess you're trying to rotate by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button. That only works in library editor windows. In order to rotate the PCB in the 3d view you should use SHIFT + right click&drag. If you use left mouse button in 3d view, it shows the message you've mentioned.

altium designer 3d problem

I knew it was something simple but I had to uninstall it and reinstall it to correct the problem, I'm on my way now,

altium designer 3d component body

I've been able to embed 3D step models into my footprints in the PCB Library Editor. Once inside the PCB Library editor and I've got my basic fooprint done I do this....
select 'Place->3D Body' from the menu
check 'Generic STEP Model' and select 'Embed Step Model'
Browse to the model and it will embed it. It will only show as a 2D surface in 2D view. Switch to 3D view to see the model and move it around and get it oriented.
Then go back to your schematic libraries and 'Add Footprint' and browse to this new pcb component footprint you just created.
When you're doing your PCB layout and you switch to View 3D hit the 'L' key to go into the preferences and make sure 'Show Step Models' and 'Show Simple 3D Bodies' is selected.

Here's the problem I'm having. When you go to your PCB layout the models only show up in bright green color, not the color(s) the models originally were. Why is this? When you left-click on the part it shows the real color then when you let go of the button it goes back to green
[udpate] The green color is a design rule warning, in this case it was regarding placement.

One other thing that confuses me... If you can embed STEP models to a footprint from the PCB Library editor and you can imbed STEP models directly from the PCB layout editor what is the purpose of PCB3D format? At first I was trying to add Models in a PCB3D libraries and then link those components to my schematic libraries as PCB3D to achieve the 3D footprint. It didn't work, it wouldn't show up when I viewed my board in 3D mode. THen I relaized you can do it from the PCB Libray Editor as described above. What's the deal?

create 3d footprint altium

Attached is video clips

Re: altium designer 3d component body

to azone2:
I have the same problem. What the "PCB3D Library" is? It could not found from internet by now. What it used for?
Only to do is edit the frintfoot lib in 3d mode.

pcdb3d library is a locked file where altium stores your imported STEP models. you can not edit that.

on Step models: There are TWO formats of STEP. AP201 and AP214.

Grab AP214 if you can get it ( 3dcontentcentral has the option to generate AP214)
this includes color information that can be read by altium. Altium 10 will include a step editor so you will be able to change the colors of the step file withing Altium.

i am using shift+left miuse key and drag, in order to rotating board in 3dmode.
but , software show this message : action not available in 3dview .
please help me to solve this problem .

Added after 34 minutes:

problem is solved !
just , we should press shift+RIGHT mouse key and drag .
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