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Help building color for 128 RGB led

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Oct 22, 2006
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I want to generate color for 128 rgb led with pwm controller or dac. I want to use minimum element in this circuit. which one can I use to having minimum circuit, pwm or dac? for reducing the number of rgb controller I want to enable 8 led controller and generate their color and switch to other 8 led controller and so on. The switching of this controller must be occure in little time .
I have some question about it.

1- I want to have real color for each led. we know each rgb led has 3 pin for blue-red-green . I want to know how many color is proper for real color? for example 256 color is proper to having real color ? or it is not enough.



1st u try doing change the duty cyle manually each time and do it for a single RGB led...
This will let u know the exact value for each colour although itll require sometime doing this..

Hope this helps..



    Points: 2
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Hi sidy50,
Can I latch the output of pwm controller? I want to use ADG508 as a analog switch. is it a good solution for high speed switching of pwm? when I design a optimum circuit for this I will use it at CPLD.


I want to know how many color is proper for real color?

you are the only one in the whole world who can tell with authority how many color is proper for you. nobody else can. you just have to try it and see for yourself.

as to pwm / dac, either way works. while many (all?) mcus can do pwm, few can do dac. not to mention efficiency.


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I want to make propeller rgb led and loading some picture from computer to the device. So I want to have a pictures with the same color at the led side.
The device has 128 led. Each led has 3 pin(R,G,B)
so I need 128*3 pwm generator. But it is so much and large circuit. I want smaller pwm generator circuit.
Please help me to build this.

Please help me to build this.

others can help you but you have to build it for yourself.

the best way to get others to help you build it is for you to propose specific plans and let others comment on it.

I am going to use 16 pwm generator with 32 adg508 for 128 led. is it proper design? is there any body which have better solution for this? I want to make it myself. But at the first I need some block diagram of different way for getting better solution.


is it proper design?

well, the datasheet would be a great place to figure that out.

take a look at the datasheet and convince us why it is a "proper" design.

take a look at the datasheet and convince us why it is a "proper" design.
I ask a question about "proper" and I dont know is it good or bad in terms of timing?

I dont know is it good or bad in terms of timing?

then why did you pick it in the first place?

think about what "function" this device plays for you: it is acting like a switch. As a switch, what are some of the key attributes you would be looking for?


    Points: 2
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I tell wrong. I need analog demultiplexer with ability of latch at the output with the minimum timing of switching channels. AD508 is a multiplexer.
for pwm generator I find MAX6974 for pwm generator.

that certainly is one expensive way of doing it.

it does free up the mcu, though.


    Points: 2
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with Atmega64 I can generate 7 Separate timer with precise timing. I use these as a pwm. is it a good ?
but I want much more pwm generator. maybe CPLD is better for this. but the main problem is the analog demultiplexer with hold ability for holding the output of the pwm in voltage form. please give me some idea about this.


I want to have 128 parallel pwm generator with frequency of 5 MHZ. because I should set the color of 128 rgb led in less than 10 uS. is it possible?finally, I want to make pwm generator in cpld .


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