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How to use dsPIC33f to eliminate noise and echo for realtime human voice?

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jan 10, 2009
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i have a project to use dsPIC33f to elliminate noise and echo for realtime human voice
this is the first time for me
i did not use microcontroller before

can you please give instructions how to begin ...any help would \be great

using dsPIC33f

the fastest way to learn about a mcu is to read its datasheet.

most people wouldn't have a clue in the first few passes. After 10 or 20x, it will start to connect; and my recommendation is that you don't start programming a new chip until you are have read the datasheet at least 50x.


    Points: 2
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Re: using dsPIC33f

Hi angelita(baby Angel)

Try to get Proteus Simulator (ISIS).The Dspic33f family is supported.There are several examples .Proteus is the only mix signal(Analog& digital) simulator with support for those Dspics.You also need to download MPLAB from the Microchip web site .And you will need a C compiler .Try to get C30 from microchip too ( maybe a demo version).Now you can write some code and simulate it in proteus .Maybe turn on some LEDs when you push a switch etc. Or learn how to use a LCD ..Proteus allows you to do complex virtual designs .Once they work in simulation you can buy the real components and buil the actual prototype.Now to do Dsp algorithms everybody know that Matlab is the most used tool .Well once again you are lucky that i'm so good(really!) .There is at the Microchip website a Dspic Toolbox for matlab .It allows you to produce code very quick .Like to initialize those Dspics that are very complex ,a lot of registers .
Also you not only need the Datasheet .But the complete dspic manual .You can download it from the Microchip site .Is available by chapters .So download it as you need it .Because the manual is for all the parts .You will also need the datasheet for the particuliar chip you will be using .Some of the registers are different.

That's it .Follow all what i said and you will be ahead.!


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Re: using dsPIC33f

thanks a lot guys :)

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