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ac to dc converter - device to guarantee the same effect

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Dec 25, 2009
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Hi good day.
I am using some 6Volt batteries that you can pickup at walmart, to get either 12V dc or 18V dc. I was wondering if there is a way to achieve the same outcome using an AC/DC converter. When I search the net looking for a converter there are just too many to understand what will work similar to 2 or 3 6Volt batteries in series. Any ideas what device I should get to guarantee the same effect.

thanks very much.

Re: ac to dc converter

dude ur Problem is not clear to me
do u need an AC to DC converter which can provide u 12v & 18v ??

what would be the input to the AC/DC converter?? 110v AC ??

Re: ac to dc converter

hi thanks for the response
thanks very much

Re: ac to dc converter

u just need a DC variable voltage power supply 0 to 24volt, 1amp for the requirement as shown in the video is enough,

Re: ac to dc converter

thanks alot.
Are you able to suggest some brands/products I might want to buy. I just did a google search for "dc variable power supply" but not sure which one to take.

Also will I be able to regulate the "current" by varying the "voltage". That is, I will want to turn the "current" up to just the right tolerable level and not just start out with 1Amp right away.


Re: ac to dc converter

the batteries shown in video must have 2Amp+ current,
if u also want to control the current then look for a variable dc voltage power supply with current control knob ,
i don't know which brands r available in ur country, better to visit some local electronic stores near ur place.


    Points: 2
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Re: ac to dc converter

ok thanks very much for your help...

ac to dc converter

Hi funs,

You must be care please with leakage currents of main...
I think the demonstrator has selected "not randomly" usual batteries and tuk no powersupply!:-(

Main _lekage- current are dangerous for life.

Re: ac to dc converter

you can try to find the battery on amazon.zom since you are in USA... :)

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