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Need help in PCB mounting

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Advanced Member level 3
Advanced Member level 3
Jan 12, 2007
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I need your help in deciding how to mount one small PCB on other.
The solution should be low cost & should be easily fabricated

Please image attached.

First I want to select whether I should mounr small pcb on other Main PCB vertically or horizontally.

Then How should I mount so that in product testing it will not come out from Main PCB.

Please suggect me any connecting technique which will be low cost.



Right angled SIL header on verticle PCB & socket on horizontal one?

there are locking header/socket pairs available.

Is this low cost solution?
How much will it cost me?

Have you even looked at a connector manufacturers website?

Also does it need to be removable?
Do you include labour charges in low cost?
If not you can slot the bottom board & insert the top one & solder it, or use the aforementioned R/A connector soldered in.

Yes, I have looked & I was confused which to choose.
**broken link removed**

1) Yes the upper small board should be removable.
2) Yes I am including all tooling, labour charges in my final cost , so I want to use connector such that my labour charges will be small.

What I am worried is in Vibration test or drop test the board will come out.

I have considered some solutions before writing in this forum, but all adds good amount of labour charge & cost.

for the first point using connector wiil be the best solution.

for preventing it from coming out during vibration or any other such test you can provide mechanical support for the pcb.

if you want it to be vertically mounted than you have to provide clamping and if you go for horizontal mounting than you can provide standoffs.
Just chk the cost for both procedures and decide.

How much are you prepared to spend on it?

How many connections, any high currents/voltages?
Fine pitch or will 2.54mm be OK?
Do you want to purchase only in your own country or from overseas?

There are many solutions for mounting an extra board like this but they all depend on the above questions.

A simple 2.54mm pitch R/A header with matching socket will mount it & quite firmly.
Or you can go to the extreme of a connector with screw locking.

Not knowing exactly the situation its hard to say.

Really you need to be looking into the connectors, getting some samples & prices yourself as you know whats needed.


    Points: 2
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The mounting PCB + components + connections should not exceed 4-5$.
(Volume is no issue so we can consider connector cost as lowest cost supplier can give)

The board mounted on main PCB will have 5-10 connections to main board (Dont have exact idea thats why range written)

About purchasing, I am ready to purchase from anywhere.

As I said earlier We have thought of some solutions which also involves Screw fitting, it adds cost & labour) ( actually screw was very good option but my colleagues did not accept)

The product is related to automotive, so we need to be very careful about selecting any connector or mounting method. The product will go through hell lot of testing.:D

Thanks for the interest you have shown.
Please let me know if you have any good idea or any image you can upload.
I will be very happy. :D


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