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vocal recognition using matlab

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fdtd using matlab elsherbiny

I found a novel book named

2-D Electromagnetic Simulation of Passive Microstrip Circuits

CRC Press

by Alejandro Dueñas Jimenez

I learn much about FDTD an a few of static MoM
is easy to understood.

I recommend it.

nf to ff transformations

I have the Wonderful Matlab codes associated with this book with me. If I post it here, will it be a violation? TO use the code One may need to refer the book because it is developed incrementally. codes in individual chapters may not work independently. However I will try to combine them as per each example's requirement and try to post them. This may take some amount of time. Pls wait.
Best Regards

respected jitesh,
i think ur able to download the above book from this site,
**broken link removed**

theory cpml +fdtd

ada yg bisa berbagi buku ini kepada saya....

saya ingin menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ttg FDTD dalam Mikrostrip....

email saya:
sianturi_familly [at]

lumped element using fdtd method and matlab

Yes. The code in is just the code associated with Chapter 1 and it computes and plots the error associated with forward, backward and central differencing algorithms for approximating a derivative

,+fdtd ,+lumped ,+source code

i am sorry,mr iyami and mr jitesh,
i think that link contains the above book.

fdtd voltage source hard source

Yes I do agree partially. The above link contains the full MATLAB code associated with the book but I couldn't find the e-book there.

numerical simulation code matlab diode

if you like the book so much, just buy it... huh? don't expect anyone to send it to you with an e-mail. LOL!

2d fdtd grid capacitance

mr jitesh,can u send me the matlab code,i want to see this.otherwise upload here.

Added after 7 minutes:

for mr jitesh,
i have a request,have u a adi-fdtd in 1 dimension using matlab code.
if u have it,please upload here,i am interested to study about this topic.
this code is also available on
please help me.

fdtd using matalb book scitech

Hi there,
I'd also like to have a copy of this book ("The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Electromagnetics With MATLAB Simulations"), so I'd appreciate if somebody send it to me ( or give me some details or links to download it.


Added after 38 seconds:

Hi there,
I'd also like to have a copy of this book ("The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Electromagnetics With MATLAB Simulations"), so I'd appreciate if somebody send it to me ( jacintochiclana(at) or give me some details or links to download it.


exercises on pml application

Dear Jitesh

Can I get this 'The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics: With MATLAB Simulations' by Atef Elsherbeni and Veysel Demir
book as an e-book from you?
I am specifically looking for FDTD analysis of metamaterial structures.
Thanks a lot in advance.

fdtd using matlab book

Did you find that book"The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics: With MATLAB Simulations
Atef Elsherbeni and Veysel Demir "
if you find ,would you please send it to me ,my Id is

plane wave source polarized ex,hy fdtd matlab

hi friends. can you help le to get this boock my email:
and thanks lotof

help me to have this book

I don't have enough money to pay for that site and I want this book:
The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics: With MATLAB Simulations

Please my e-mail is: nsh-engineere (at)

please help me to have this book

you are thanked very much
Re: fdtd matlab

Dear All,

The Elsherbeni Book Codes (MATLAB) are attached. They are arranged chapter wise and will work as independent programs.
The ebook is not yet available.

Warm regards


  • Elsherbeni FDTD Examples.rar
    858.3 KB · Views: 111

why the thread title is shown as 'vocal recognition using matlab?'. This is misleading. I gave the title as 'FDTD MATLAB', but it has changed some how.
Now how ca I change the title? Any suggestions?

Thanks & regards

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