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Questions about using PCB Editor routing

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Jul 24, 2005
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Hi all Friends
Hope you are doing fine
I have 2 important questions on PCB Editor
1- when I place components manually, I want to place some of them on the buttomn layer rather that top layer but I do not know how to do that and how tomake sure that they are placed on the buttomn layer:?:

2- I have a 4 layer board and I defined my layers but when I run autoroating it just shows 2 layers (top and buttomn), I do not know if PCB Editor provides auto routing fore more that 2 layers or not? if yes how can I define auto routing fore other layers?:|

I appreciate your time and response

pcb editor routing

You need to tell us what software you are using. Each EDA software has its own way of setting up routing and placing components.

view four layer board routing settings

You need to tell us what software you are using. Each EDA software has its own way of setting up routing and placing components.

Not needed! we have to guess what software this person is using. I bet he is working for one of those so called "design services" that charges cheap rates. Is scary to see that they through designs at people with no understanding of PCB layout processes and tools.


pcb editor performance option

I mentioned that I am using PCB editor, so what do you mean by software?PCB editor is one of the cadance tools for designing PCB boards

I could find out the answer of my questions

To Majnoon:
I am a student and I am doing my first PCB board so if you want to make fun of people this is not the right forum to use, I am sorry for your prejudgment

allegro pcb auto place tutorial

There are dozens of different PCB and Schematic editors.

Cadence Allegro, Orcad, Mentor PADS, Altium Designer, Protel, Pulsonix, Eagle, PCAD, Cadstar, etc, etc...

In addition to the various brands, there are different versions. For example, Allegro 14, 15, 15.2, 16, 16.1, 16.2; Altium DXP2004, Altium Designer version 6, S08, W09, S09; Protel 2.8, 3.1, 98, 99SE; etc, etc...

Within the Cadence versions there are various implementations. For example, Allegro PCB Designer XL, Allegro PCB Performance Option, Allegro PCB Design L, and PCB Designer.

Since you are a beginning student, I think you need to start by running the tutorial that comes with the software you have. The tutorial is intended to answer basic questions regarding the use of the software. Once you have learned the basics regarding how to run the software, you'll be able to get the finer points explained here.

routing pcb

1.Go to Edit -Mirror ,select Symbols from Find and click the symbol it will get placed at bottom. to c this just switch on bottom layer(especially bottom pad) all.

2 .Auto routing is not the right way for achieving perfect routing with customization.

hope u got the answer

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