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installing matlab in ubuntu 8.10!!!!! help

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Jun 3, 2007
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matlab for ubuntu

Can anybody write me step by step procedure for instaling the matlab in ubuntu 8.10.
thanx in advance

matlab ubuntu

Hello zio_nneo
I tried to load Mplab 8.00 using wine with no luck, I think it has a lot to do with how the permissions are setup for hotplug. not sure> I tried posting my problems on the ubuntu forms with no replies plus a few other Linux site. I guess it is to complicated to do. There is a Linux program called piklab that is almost like Mplab, and you can load it off the ubuntu program manager. I tried that too. it looks nice but my programmer is to new to work with it. Thats the problem with Linux, its sort of like still competing with windows 98 and hasn't cought with the real world of computing yet. Maybe in five years or so it might be able to act like xp.
good luck


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how to install matlab in ubuntu

1 - get the linux version of matlab
2 - install it, should be easy, the gui is your friend, just pay attention not to write to places you don't have permission to write or if you install it as root be careful
3 - after installing try to see if matlab runs, if you used sudo then check your home directory for a .matlab directory if it exists delete it as probably it will be owned by root
4 - try running it again, if it complains about java install the jre package, then go to your matlab install directory (ex: /opt/matlab/r2008b/sys/java/jre/glnx86) and rename the jre folder to something else then create a link to the system's java folder and it should work.


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ubuntu matlab

Java problem follow matlab OS requirement , that's a better soluation for everyone .

matlab in ubuntu

ubuntu is not in matlab's support list, change to RHEL would be ok.

I think it is better to install open source QtOctave than MATLAB. (I don't know whether it's legal to say this.) But, I found many of my friends complaining that MATLAB's UNIX version gives Java errors and slows the system pretty much.

i dont know much about Linux..but i use it as second OS..i installed Wine to i can use any software that build for windows platform in linux..
so in your case..try install Wine to your linux..after that install matlab but windows version..

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