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help ADS Momentum! dimensions of substrate in momentum ?

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Oct 6, 2008
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help ADS Momentum!

dimensions of substrate in momentum ?

Re: help ADS Momentum!

Hello htung,

Agilent Momentum uses formulation of Method of Moments (MoM) & this assumes that substrates go to infinity in all directions (X,Y)...

You can't model Finite substrate block in Momentum...

You can enter Er of dielectric, Height of dielectric, thickness of the conductor, Loss Tangent for EM simulations...



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Re: help ADS Momentum!

Hello kspalla & htung,

Yes, but what layout in X,Y??? is it Layout of a Dielectric layer?
Actually it is conductor layer which is finite (layout) in x, y & Dielectric Layer is infinite...!!! & in Z the dielectic layer height is finite ... and finally infinite groud plane???

You can't do finite dimension substrate analysis in Momentum...
But having said that it has a Box mode with approximation for such types of analysis...which is OK...


Re: help ADS Momentum!

is it Layout of a Dielectric layer?
No. it is the boundaries of art work.
You can't do finite dimension substrate analysis in Momentum...
No we can.
But having said that it has a Box mode with approximation for such types of analysis...which is OK...
yes Box mode for closed boundary.

Re: help ADS Momentum!

thank you for your attention!
do you kown?
how size(of sabstrate:width,length) is determined in practical applications?

Added after 2 minutes:

thank you for your attention!
do you kown?
how size(of sabstrate:width,length) is determined in practical applications?

Added after 3 minutes:

Manjunatha_hv said:
Hello htung,

Agilent Momentum uses formulation of Method of Moments (MoM) & this assumes that substrates go to infinity in all directions (X,Y)...

You can't model Finite substrate block in Momentum...

You can enter Er of dielectric, Height of dielectric, thickness of the conductor, Loss Tangent for EM simulations...


Re: help ADS Momentum!

is it possible in momentum that we can specify a large metal box under a finite size substrate?

Re: help ADS Momentum!

is it possible in momentum that we can specify a large metal box under a finite size substrate?
Yes, you can define a finite sized box around your substrate.This box will have walls with perfect conductors.

Look at drop down menu in layout: Momentum-->Box-Wavguide-->Add Box

after defining finite substrate in box how can i define a metal under the sbstrate bigger than that beacuse ads gives error that your metal strip cannot be outside the box . following is the case i want to simulate

..........fininte ferrite substrate
..........metal block bigger than substrate size

For your problem, you need a volume meshing ("full 3D") solver like Agilent EMPro, CST Microwave Studio, Ansoft HFSS, Empire XCcell, XFDTD

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