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PBG/EBG Microstrip filter in Annsoft DesginerFilter

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Full Member level 3
Dec 5, 2007
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ebg filter


Please any one knows how to set the port in ansoft desginer for a finite ground plane.



Hi again:

Your structure is heavy to simulate, and since I didn't find the time to run your structure,

I've uploaded for you a simple PBG filter which reject band is in the X-band.
You can find it in the enclosure.

Your structure is the same as mine, but differs in the structure. So you can adjust the settings as mine and run it with no problem.

The attached file is simulated with a lumped port.

I will run a simulation with wave port and provide you with the file.

If anything tell me.

filter momentum ads

Here's the wave-port simulation:

I also attached my simulation results from ADS/Momentum.
You can see there's a good agreement between Momentum and HFSS excited by wave-port.

So it is better to run your simulation with wave-port.

If anything tell me.

ebg hfss filter

Hi Masoud ,

1- Thank you very much , I really appreciate your help.

2- I have simulated the structure with lumped port , the results were not that good.

3- The rsults using the wave port were very good , however , i have quesion:

a) how did you set the size of the wave port , have tried different sizes or there is a specific formula to find the correct size ??

b) in the normal microstrip line the air box usually starts from the ground plane and going up , why in the case of the PBG microstrip line the air box should be extended below the ground plane ??

4- I have simlated PBG using ADS-Momentum as well , I have used one internal port connected to the microstrip line and ground reference connected to the ground layer. It tooks very very long time to get the results ?
did you have the same problem ? , a meesage appears tells that the solver converges very slowly:cry::cry::cry:

5- Could you please upload your ADS file ?

Masoud , thanks again , you helped me alot.

filtri ebg a microstriscia


You're welcome!

About the size of the wave-port:
It should be large enough for the fringing fields to behave normally. The typical size for microstrip is like what I drew in the structure. So there's no formula to calculate the dimension of the wave-port.

About the radiation box size:
When I simulate an ordinary structure with a complete ground structure, I also set the lower dimension of the air box about 5 times the height of the substrate. So I didn't do anything different in this case.

About the ADS:
I saw your structure.
You could do your simulation in a very faster and easier way.
You set your COND2 layer to STRIP, and you drew your ground with the holes.

I suggest you to set your COND2 to SLOT.
In this way, you set an infinite ground for the simulator. If you want to defect the ground, you only need to draw the shape (circle as in your case) with the COND2 layer below the trace line.

I set your project layer settings and modified your structure. The only thing you need to do is to set the meshing frequency and then define the frequency sweep.
That's it!

If anything tell me.
Hi Masoud,

Thank you som much.

It worked using ADS-Momentum. I think its easier to use ADS.

I will try to simulate it using HFSS.

Thanks again:D


Hi Masoud,

Hope you have few extra minutes.

In case i have finite ground plane in ADS, should I use one internal port and one ground refrence port only.

could you have alook on the attached ads file , do you know how to define the ports ?

Thanks in 10000000000000000000000


Hi Mustafa:

Unfortunately I am not familiar with Internal ports. But you can find something here:

Hope that helps.

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