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vdsat equation
plotting the gm/id vs Vgs when sweeping Vgs from 0 to VDD says that vgs=0 is the best point of operation (the project i'm working on has no freq freq response isnt an issue at all) maybe even a negative vgs would give a higher value for gm/id. so having a vgs less than the threshold voltage means a negative vdsat.
Is that possible? How would I calculate the swing anyway when using hand calc just for intuition. is a max voltage of vdd-vdsat turn into vdd+vdsat ? I'm sure not
plotting the gm/id vs Vgs when sweeping Vgs from 0 to VDD says that vgs=0 is the best point of operation (the project i'm working on has no freq freq response isnt an issue at all) maybe even a negative vgs would give a higher value for gm/id. so having a vgs less than the threshold voltage means a negative vdsat.
Is that possible? How would I calculate the swing anyway when using hand calc just for intuition. is a max voltage of vdd-vdsat turn into vdd+vdsat ? I'm sure not