Advanced Member level 4

Comparator design
i heard that if we use of open loop opamp as a comparator, it's not needed to use of input common mode for opamp inputs(without dc biasing) and only apply Vin & Vref.
is it true?
i think that if we need specific resolution, we must have specific gain.if we don't use of Vcmi, transistors will not be in saturation regime, thus we have not desired gain.
i don't know that which of these reasons is true.
i heard that if we use of open loop opamp as a comparator, it's not needed to use of input common mode for opamp inputs(without dc biasing) and only apply Vin & Vref.
is it true?
i think that if we need specific resolution, we must have specific gain.if we don't use of Vcmi, transistors will not be in saturation regime, thus we have not desired gain.
i don't know that which of these reasons is true.