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MPLAB ICD2 Programmer for PIC

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Newbie level 6
Jun 2, 2008
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mplab icd2 programmer


I am new to this forum. Can anybody help my problem.

I build an Inchworm+ICD2 which is taken from the blueroomelectronics web page. I tried with the Inchworm_16F877A firmware but it is not working with the MPLAB IDE V7.50. It is giving an error as unable to communicate try to reduce the baudrate.

What may be the problem, i checked my circuit. A small correction only i made, i put 40K resistor instead of 47K whether it will make any problem.

I will post the circuit and firmware details.

Please help me

icd2 programmer

40K should be fine, 47K is a more common value. The firmware should work in any MPLAB from 6.x thru 8.x
You must have a real RS232 port as most USB serial adapters don't have 100% emulation.
mplab icd2

Thanks for the reply.

I can't get you what exactly trying to say. Anyway will you able to send the schematic and firmware for MPLAB ICD2, i will check with mine.

mplab icd 2 programmer

can you tell me how is the good voltage value for each pin on serial ports???

mplab icd2 cable connections

I too had the same problem year ago, i find out Firmware given with "Assembly instruction" cause some problem try this firmware.
you need to program your 877A from any other programmer.

icd2 programmer for pic

I tried with the new hex file(Inchworm16F877A with OS) also. But the format looks like previous one only.

I checked the voltage in the hardware. When i connect with the PC zener diode voltage shows as 0.00, if i disconnected the PC it shows 4.6V.

From the serial port it comes as 10.00V, hence i tried to give 1K as directly to the MCLR without zener diode. Now MCLR Pin gets 4.6V while PC is connected.

T2 transistor Collector output gives as 0.00V only. Please give me the solution.

I am attaching the Error window allow.

hoe programmeer ik pic

...maby the problem is the cable which we use for the conection. The conection need 1:1 serial cable.

programmer for mplab

The cable connections true. What may be the problem?
I dont get 12V for Target MCLR.

While connecting, error will come as Unable to communicate.

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