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HFSS: How to export/extract Field Data

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Zottiri Kusuta

Member level 4
Member level 4
Sep 2, 2005
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hfss exporting e field


I will ask a question about extracting data from HFSS. My problem is as follows:
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

As you see, I can plot the magnitude of the Electric Field over the surface of the substrate. What I want is to extract the numerical E field data over this surface in such a form that I can import to Matlab. I want to plot these |E| data in any arbitrary direction I like in Matlab. e.g. I want to plot |E| in +z direction or +y direction. I also need these numerical data, because I will do some complex calculus operations on these data, like generalized pencil of function etc.

All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance. :wink:

export fields hfss

Isn't there a way of doing this??? :cry:

edit: I think I need to use the "Fields Calculator"... Am I right?

how to export far field data hfss

Hi Zottiri Kusuta,

Now I have to solve a similar problem that you had... Could you obtain a solution?? If so, can you share the solution with me, please??

Else, is there anyone who can help us?

The point is the following:
After obtaining any distribution (E-field, H-field, SAR, and etc.) in HFSS, I further need to obtain the value of the distribution point by point, to work on.

How is it possible?

hfss field export

Zottiri Kusuta said:
Isn't there a way of doing this??? :cry:

edit: I think I need to use the "Fields Calculator"... Am I right?

I think Fields Calculator is the solution, but I just start trying to use it.

hfss calculator sar

I had this problem years ago... Using the field calculator you will need to form scalar components of the vector you need and then draw some lines on the geometry, and using the fields in report mode, extract whatever you need along these lines...

quite easy after you learn how field calculator in hfss works...
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hfss data export

1 - Create reports
2 - choose field (could be far or near field)
3 - i suggest you select rectangular plot. You could also do it with 3D polar or radiation pattern
3 - choose what you want on your x-axis, it could be angle
4 - you can select rEx, rEy or whatever component you want.
5 - when it plots, right click on graph or on the menu, go to Report2D, and select "export to file"

you will get a tab delimited file of your field components.

The other option is to export field after computing field parameters. You actually get the E fields along the Theta and Phi components for both Mag / phase. With some manipulation, you can turn it to cartesian coordinates. This is what I normally do.
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is there any examples for beginners about export field data?

---- thanks in advance

Hi everybody! l have a problem to export data with HFSS. l have already analyse the solutions and with the "fields calculator tool" l don't know how to calculate grid points for a line. l am interested in fields over a line that l already drawed but when for example l give these informations: X 0(min) 80(max) 2(spacing) Y 0 75 75 and Z 0 2 2 it generates an error. l think my problem is to give appropriate dimensions and spacing for the grid points for a line.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, did you solve this problem? If so, could you share your solution with us?

Re: hfss exporting e field

Hi there... How do I even plot my fields on an arbitrary plane just like it was done in Zottiri's image above? I need to do that first, and then I need to extract the data into Matlab as well... Here is what mine looks like.... I really appreciate some/any help!!!!


  • E_Field_Mag.png
    206.3 KB · Views: 433
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