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ATTINY85 programmer - noob

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Oct 13, 2008
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attiny85 programmer

Hi there, im new to microcontrollers and want to make my own programmer to simply read data from ATTINY85 chips (writting data will come later).

I have tried building LOADS of different serial and parralel programmers but no software reads or identifies the chip.

I have read lods of websites and documents and thought it was about time i asked for help.

Can anyone tell me of a parralel or serial programmer that I can build that will allow me to read the ATTINY85? Also can you post any diagrams or schematics? I have been using schematics that show everything from the pc port to the ISP header, I never know what to do after that - i just connect each ISP pin to the pins on the ATTINY 85 - ISP MOSI goes to IC MOSI, ISP SCK goes to IC SCK ect.

Since I only need to read at the moment, can someone advise me if I really need an ISP header?

As I said I'm a noob and my first goal is to get the PC to at least see the IC before I attempt to read/write.

Many thanks.

- AJ

PS. the ATTINY85 I have has already been programmed by someone else and had the programs configuration settings saved to it too so data is there to be read. And the IC aint broke as far as I know as it works in the target board still.



Can you tell me what software do you use ?

Use a stk500 compitable programmer and avrstudio 4.14

I think the problem is not with the hardware, it is in the software (PC) which should be updated with latest chips



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atmel attiny85 programmer

Thanks for the info.
I have used PonyProc, ICProg, AVR Studio, AVRDUDE, a couple of others but cant remember which. I had the new AVRDUDE with ATTINY85 in the conf file.

Which is the easiest to build for serial/parralel port that dont need another IC? I only have serial and parralel sockets, breadboard, resistors, transistors, caps, and breadboard. I dont have access to another programmer or the AT90S2313.

I tried making a DAPA cable in which the ATTINY85 is conencted directly to the parralel/serial port using just a few resistors but it never reads.

Alternativley, whats my cheapest option of buying a programmer in the UK? the AVRDragon is a bit pricey for me right now.

Added after 17 minutes:


If I build this which looks similar to one i tried before, am I correct in thinking that I only need to connect the MISO,MOSI,SCK,RESET,GND of the ATTINY85 chip to the corrosponding tracks in that image? Also, can anyone tell me what else i would need (other than PonyProg) and also, Do i need to attach a powersupply to anywhere?

attiny85 tutorial

Any idea's anyone?
I just tried the programmer i posted above following my directions and i still cant get ponyprog to read the chip. It gives error -24.

Added after 10 minutes:

Just to clarify, i dont want an ISP programmer, I want to be able to read (and later write) the ATTINY85 on its own without it being connected to a target board as the target board the chip is from does not support ISP :(

come si programma attiny 85

So if I had an ISP programmer I can just connect the pins on the ATTINY85 straight to the header pins on the ISP Programmer using cables?

If this is correct can you tell me (or point me to) the most simplest step-by-step tutorial out there using as little components as possible?

Also do i need to supply voltage to the ATTITNY85 when connected to the serial port? I ave tried putting 5v onto pin8 and GND onto pin 4. I simply got an old PC PSU and connect the red wire (5v) and the black (GND) from the molex plug onto the pins using my breadboard. Is this correct or am i doing something wrong?

Also, can it be done without zener diodes as i have none :(

attiny85 usb

avisonjohn said:
I just tried the programmer i posted above following my directions and i still cant get ponyprog to read the chip. It gives error -24.

I was not aware that PonyProg supported the attiny85.

You need a programmer with a microcontroller on the board, or else you will be pulling your hair out for a long time before you get it to work (if you do).

There are many posts from guys who build their own programmers,
and never get them to work with windows XP. Most of the problems
with the parallel port programmers is Windows XP, or the parallel port itself.

I have had the very best luck with the avr910 adapter. Its very reliable.

You can buy this programmer that will work with avrstudio here:
**broken link removed**

for only $17!

At that price, why waste your time?

avisonjohn said:
So if I had an ISP programmer I can just connect the pins on the ATTINY85 straight to the header pins on the ISP Programmer using cables?

If this is correct can you tell me (or point me to) the most simplest step-by-step tutorial out there using as little components as possible?

Also do i need to supply voltage to the ATTITNY85 when connected to the serial port? I ave tried putting 5v onto pin8 and GND onto pin 4. I simply got an old PC PSU and connect the red wire (5v) and the black (GND) from the molex plug onto the pins using my breadboard. Is this correct or am i doing something wrong?

Also, can it be done without zener diodes as i have none

You will need separate power supply for the attiny85. You will also need a separate clock source ONLY if the default clock source is NOT programmed.
(using the internal 8MHz clock)

Are the attiny85 lock bits programmed? If they are you won't be able to read the data. It may read, but the data will be 00010203040506....

Again I say, I would not build the above circuit. For a small amount of money, you can have a reliable product without wasting a great deal of time building something
that is very troublesome. If you are just learning, this will add a great deal of UNNECESSARY frustration!

Best of Luck

isp attiny85

sounds good, guess i'll just buy one. do you know where I can get one from the UK as i would like one as soon as I can and dont want to wait for the stupid UK customs to release it to me. Cheers

attiny85 serial

avisonjohn said:
do you know where I can get one from the UK as i would like one as soon as I can and dont want to wait for the stupid UK customs to release it to me. Cheers

Can't help you there. I ordered some components from the ebay link above, and it only took 10 days to arrive in North America.

Can you order Digi-Key in the UK? The first link in the thread is more costly, but it is directly from Atmel and runs on the USB port instead of serial port.


avrdude attiny85

will the avrisp mk2 programmer work with the ATTINY85?

attiny85 isp

according to this:
it will support the attiny45 (same thing, less memory).

The document is outdated. However with the most current version of AVRSTUDIO, you should be able to program the attiny25 and attiny85.

You can double check with atmel, OR ask someone on

Good Luck

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