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Interfacing bluetooth to microcontroller and Bluetooth to PC

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Aug 7, 2008
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bluetooth pic microcontroller

Hi, I am a student working on a project. My project aim is to interface bluetooth to microcontroller and Bluetooth to PC. The database for my project is at the PC side...
1)I need to have a solution to interface a PIC to bluetooth that will send data from PIC-interfaced bluetooth to the computer and vice versa.
2)Also i would like to know the procedure to program PIC so as to communicate with bluetooth for sending and receiving data to and frm PC interfaced bluetooth..
Thanks in advance..

bluetooth microcontroller

Take a look at the microchip website, they have bluetooth interface devices there

pic microcontroller bluetooth

you can also use PIC with USART and bluetooth/RS232 module ( it uses AT commands at 96000,n,8,1 ), on the PC side write software to read from database to be sent using RS232/Bluetooth
interfacing bluetooth with microcontroller

First of all, you need to know what kind of bluetooth device you gonna use to interface with the microcontroller.

I believe that there is a bluetooth device with UART interface ready which allow you to communicate between microc and blueetooth through the serial interface which will save alot of effort for your project.

one of the example is

For, the PC side, is more easy, just use the USB dongle which can be get from any PC shop.

For the second question, i think you can used the AT command to send and receive the info.
uart+modulo bluetooth+microchip

Thanks a lot for yal suggestions..Thanks laststep...
Yes.. i m planning to use bluetooth uart module coz it makes things simpler..
1)I would like to know regarding feeding of AT commands to microcontroller so as to communicate with Bluetooth fo receiving messages..Is there any particular microcontroller reqd for communication with bluetooth module..If yes then which 1 wud be the choice to use..And can u give a command example for sending AT commands to bluetooth via microcontroller..
2)Also in my project i want to display text messages what i receive from my bluetooth enabled mobile phone so in that case which bluetooth uart module should i select which can be programmable by microcontroller and supports mobile phones..
(my budget for the project is minimum as possible)
Thanks in advance..

microchip of bluetooth

dkoolguy_2787 said:
Thanks a lot for yal suggestions..Thanks laststep...
Yes.. i m planning to use bluetooth uart module coz it makes things simpler..
1)I would like to know regarding feeding of AT commands to microcontroller so as to communicate with Bluetooth fo receiving messages..Is there any particular microcontroller reqd for communication with bluetooth module..If yes then which 1 wud be the choice to use..And can u give a command example for sending AT commands to bluetooth via microcontroller..
2)Also in my project i want to display text messages what i receive from my bluetooth enabled mobile phone so in that case which bluetooth uart module should i select which can be programmable by microcontroller and supports mobile phones..
(my budget for the project is minimum as possible)
Thanks in advance..

Hi, try this link beginner v1_8.pdf
I am not familiar with the microcontroller as my final year project is to communicate bluetooth module with the FPGA device. However above link show example on how they communicate with the microcontroller and use some simple AT command. I am using the bluetooth module introduce in this link for my final year project.

I complete this project 2-3 years ago and i dun really remmeber how to use the AT command already...
connect microcontroller to pc

Hey thanks for the info..It will definitely help me a lot..atleast i guess now at d receiver side there shudnt be more problems..What say..?
1)I just wanted to confirm that, do i require to interface voltage level converter along with the Bluetooth UART module before connecting it with microcontroller..??
2)On the transmitter side i am hvin few queries and i m not able to get proper solution to it..
Actually i have posted the topic in other section..plz help me out in gettin a proper solution to it if possible for u..
Here's the link for that topic..

bluetooth and microcontroller

dkoolguy_2787 said:
Hey thanks for the info..It will definitely help me a lot..atleast i guess now at d receiver side there shudnt be more problems..What say..?
1)I just wanted to confirm that, do i require to interface voltage level converter along with the Bluetooth UART module before connecting it with microcontroller..??
2)On the transmitter side i am hvin few queries and i m not able to get proper solution to it..
Actually i have posted the topic in other section..plz help me out in gettin a proper solution to it if possible for u..
Here's the link for that topic..

Hi, i am not very sure about the detail but the concept is there.
1) Depend on the bluetooth module you used. If the input pin voltage rate is 3.3v and the microcontroller output voltage is 5v then you definitely need a voltage convertor like voltage divide or voltage shifter.

2) Basically you will have bluetooth module on your microcontroller side and the USB dongle type at your PC side. One of it must become the host to initial connection. Normally the PC side will become host and the microcontroller will accept the connection. Here you probably need the AT command to make the connection work.

After the 2 device connected, you can send or receive msg for both device. Just imagine that now the PC is connect to the microcontroller by 2 wire: Rx and Tx. So, to send from PC to microcontroller, the hyperterminal will do the job. For microcontroller to PC, you probably need to send some ASCII code through the Rx pin at microcontroller and the msg will display at the hype terminal at the PC side. This is the whole concept how 2 bluetooths hook together.

For microcontroller, i think most of it already have the UART function built in, so you just need to used it to communicate with the bluetooth.
bluetooth enabled microcontroller

Thanks mann..but..
Well, i discovered few more queries..
(1) I wanted to know that if i power on my bluetooth UART module then will it synchronize automatically with the transmitting end...OR will the PC connected USB dongle detect the receiver UART module as soon as the receiver module is powered on..??Based on (1)
(2) Shud i need to program or write an application or AT commands in PIC so as to detect the USB dongle n get ready for communication..or the inbuilt stack firmware in the bluetooth UART module does this automatically for us when we synchronize the baud rate via PIC..
(3) Related to Hyper terminal i wanted to know that can i establish wireless bluetooth connection i.e. connection between PC connected USB bluetooth dongle ( which can be detected using Hyper terminal) and Bluetooth UART module on the receiver side which can be detected using bluetooth software from a particular port wherein USB dongle is can we FIX THAT PORT for establishing communication link between 2 devices..?
js wanted to confirm, what can be the foolproof procedure for establishing wireless connection between 2 bluetooth devices using Hyperterminal..??
If possible, plz guide me in gettin a proper solution to this..

bluetooth microchip

1) you have to pair the PC and the Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module will have a default PIN. If every things go ok, then you dont need to do that again & again. The PC will automatically create a Virtual Serial port and you can use that port number to access the bluetooth through Hyperterminal or any other application.
2) Most of the BT modules act as a client and the PC as server, the server can only initiate a connection to client.
3) Yes you can use Hyper terminal to establish connection to the BT module.

Check my site, i have done a project with serial to BT module. In which you can control devices from mobile through Bluetooth.
**broken link removed**
Heres the Youtube video for it
interfacing pic micro to bluetooth

Thanks for ya guidance..
But by using hyper terminal i guess i ll have to use js 1 bluetooth module which will be connected to PC from 1 end via. RS232 and to PIC and LCD on other end to be precise..
So in that case PC will communicate with that Bluetooth module..
Did u mean that..?

I would like to confirm that the aim of my project which is to send and display the characters from PC USB Bluetooth dongle to the receiver side LCD which is connected to another Receiver Bluetooth UART module via PIC..
So how can i receive characters wirelessly from the receiver side then..??
i mean..will the bluetooth usb dongle on the transmitter side be able to communicate to bluetooth UART module on the receiver side by using Hyperterminal or is there any other means..??
I would be very glad to know the proper solution for this topic...
Thanks in advance..

Or BTW did u mean that 1st i hve to connect my receiver side UART bluetooth module to PC and obtain its BD address and then make it as client mode..(btw i hope this is possible using AT commands on Hyperterminal)
And then connect my USB bluetooth Dongle to PC and use it as server mode..and then send character by character data from 1 address to another..
Is all this really possbile via. Hyperterminal without using ny bluetooth software..??
Basically i m gettin more confused...
:( .........?
plz if possible guide me..

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