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getting regulated 5V-dc from variable voltage

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Oct 22, 2006
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circuit for geting constant 5v

Hi Dear Friends
I want to design a circuit that has a variable input voltage from 12V to 60V DC.I have a digital section that need regulated 5v-dc that should be acquire from this input voltage. initially I want to use lm7805 to do this. but at high value of input voltage it doesnt work and may be hurt.
please give me some advice.
by regards.

convert variable 12v to fix 5v

Most efficient way is to use DC/DC switching converter with 12V-60V input range and with power you require. For low power requirement you might get away by building series regulator with NPN transistor or similllar, but with higher current, dissipation and power requirement might be prohibitive.


    Points: 2
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12v regulated variable voltage schematics

Hi Sinisa
it use low power and I want to use series regulator .
Could you give me some schematic for this?
thank you

regulated 5v

Circuit bellow should work up to 15mA. It does not have any current protection. To increase curent capability you will need bigger transistor and heatsink for it.



    Points: 2
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Hi I cant See any circuit bellow

Added after 1 minutes:

sorry I See it later
thank you

Added after 1 hours 38 minutes:

hi Sinisa
15mA is too low for my digital must be suffer up to 1A .
as far as I know about this circuit that the tl431 is fix and I must replace ztx453 with bigger one.Is it correct?
please help me.
by regards

If you go linear, dissipation would be 55W! That requires large heatsink and would be, uhm... well just ridiculous to do that.

You can use "Webench" from National Semiconductor to create switcher design:

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    Points: 2
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thank you Sinisa
Can I use buck converter to make a step down converter for 5v?could you tell me about IC that do this?

Added after 4 minutes:

sorry.I can find it on the site you told me
thank you so much
by regards


Yes you can use a Buck-converter(step-down) to your application.
As mention go to National's homepage and use webbench.
This switcher can be used: LM5575.
But check out the homepage.



    Points: 2
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a buck switch converter such a lm5575 needs a constant dc voltage about 5v to work,
and then convert higher voltage to lower one.
but I want to have a circuit to supply this voltage without need of any regulated voltage.
what can I do?
by regards

a buck switch converter such a lm5575 needs a constant dc voltage about 5v to work,
and then convert higher voltage to lower one.

Nonsense. Use webench to create design, I don't think it could be any simpler ather than someone doing it for you.


    Points: 2
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Lots of examples:
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60V pre-regulator:
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Use LM2575 High Voltage version. input 7Vdc to 60Vdc. rated at 1A
It will be able to regulate to the 5V you need.

For 3A version use LM2576.

**broken link removed**

Best Regards,
Siong Boon

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