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Help me build a magnetic door system controlled by 8051

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Aug 26, 2008
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hi all ,
I have encounted problems in building up the magnetic lock device circuit, controlled by 8051.plz enlighten me if anyone know.

magnetic door lock schematic

I had built and worked similar project using ATMEL 89C52 and RFID bought from The relay on board can be connected to any electromagnet to lock the door. they provide all details including schematics, PCB's and components with project description. Hope this will help you. The said kit is also available without RFID option. Chekout their website.

Re: Magnetic door system

Thanks for ur reply , but i am required to use micro processor 8051 to control the magnetic lock to energised or de-energise. i cannot use the ATMEL 89C52 that u mentioned. :(


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Re: Magnetic door system

thanks for ur reply.:) The magnetic door lock nid 12v - 24v .8051 give only 3.3v but i nid do i increase the voltage?is there any circuit that can be use in this situation?


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Re: Magnetic door system

thanks for ur reply .the magnetic lock require 12-24 v and around 450ma of current.

Re: Magnetic door system

use 2N2222 transistor instead of BC 547, 2N2222 has collector current of 800ma


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Re: Magnetic door system

thanks for reply.can i use 2N4307?Because my school dont provide 2n2222 , but there is 2n4307.

Added after 2 hours 5 minutes:

erm mine teacher ask me test with relay RY5WFZ-K , instead of the magnetic do i connect the relay?pin 1 and 16?and from the power supply, there is 4 wire , 1 for 5 v , 1 for 12v.the two gnd wire should be connected together?

Re: Magnetic door system

hey plz post the datasheet or pin diagram of the relay


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Re: Magnetic door system

oh sorry . haha. **broken link removed**
hey , i tried with a led instead of the relay. the led can light up but it cannot be controlled by 8051.

Re: Magnetic door system

check page 7 of the data sheet frm which you will know the pin config (schematic)
Its a DPDT relay (Double Pole Double Throw)
Pin 1 and 16 is the relay coil,
pin no 8 is Common and 4 & 6 is its NC and NO respectively
and pin no 9 is Common and 13 & 11 is its NC and NO respectively

post the circuit that you have used


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Re: Magnetic door system

hey.. 8051 give a 3.3 volt.if i use direct power of 3.3 volt from the power supply , it can work.but when i use 8051 to give a high, it doesnt work.the circuit is working properly, i think the main part is on the 8051 part.

Re: Magnetic door system

which port pin are you using? whats the value of the external pull up resistor
P0 does not have internal Pull up resistor so when you make any pin of P0 high it will be floating, so you will require external pull up resistor
P1, P2, P3 has internal 10k pull up so when you make any pin high the current will flow through the 10K resistor so if you require high current you will require external pull up resistor


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Re: Magnetic door system

haha. thanks for reply.i manage to solve the problem already.thanks anyway :) . by the way, i nid 12 v. i have to change the value of the resistor and the transistor right?

Re: Magnetic door system

how did u solve it? what changes did u make?
u require 12v for the relay so no need to change the transistor u can use BC 547 u may have to change the value of the resistor since you are using 3.3v as Vcc


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Re: Magnetic door system

erm , for 8051 , the pin must be change to push - pull port so that when u give a 1 , it will output 3.3v and when u give a 0 , it will output 0 volt.

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