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steps about simulation PLL's behavior model in Matlab

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Jul 1, 2003
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matlab pll simulation

Firstly, I am a newbie to use matlab. So I have some problems to ask you:
1, If I want to simulate the PLL's behavior model, is the simulink in matlab proper? If not, what 's it?
2, How do I build the behavior model to obtain the behavior model that is close to the actual situations?
3, Where can I get some useful articles to introduce related projects?
Thanks a lot!

matlab pll model

To answer ur first two questions:
1. Of course simlink can do that for u, and there other tools can do as well.
2. u got to know the dynamics of PLL and specify/build the equation for ur PLL. Then u can sim it using the tools u have.
pll simulation matlab

in simulink u can simulate the PLL very well , in tw domains. in S domain to check the loop bandwidth , phase marrgin and stability , and setlling time

also in time domain to check the loop performance , and view the time domain signals of the different points in the loop
like the control voltage , the output of phase frequency detector
but time domain simulation take much time
pll matlab simulation

u will find many artecls about pll simulation
and if u need help send me a message

simulating pll using matlab

Well what i feel this is nice topic why dont we discuss it more.
There are two model for the matlab simulation of the PLL.
1) Phase doamin model.
2) Voltage domain model.

Correct me if i am wrong.

Well in phase domain model we model the input signal as the excess phase and the pll loop do all the mainupulation over the same. Also the Phase doamin model of the pll is more faster then the other one.

Plus one could also extract the information regarding the jitter shaping (Phase noise sahping ) through the matlab simulation. This is where the matlab modeling of the pll is useful. based on which one could designed the loop parameter of the pll.
About how? we can discuss same in our next post.
Lets share our experiance


matlab pll example

the phase domain , is the s domain
i think the voltage domain is the time

in phase or s daomin , the simualtion is fast and this simulation , the model of the pll is linear behevioral model , like a control system

in time domain , u can simulate the loop as device level or a behavioral level , and both take more time

in simulink , u can simulate the loop using both domains
i will try to post u a simulink file to show the simulation in both domains

time behavioral model matlab

yes, wating for the model file.
do you have any model where noise shaping is also taken into account ot calculate phase noise.

simulink model of pll with jitter download

these are the files
i hope it is uselful to u
try them , and ask about anything
pll with simulink

Hello Everyone
I m Deepak and I am working on simulation of PLL using Simulink, please tell me which book can I read or Journal should I read to understand the implementation of a PLL using Simulink?? Thank You very much

steps in simulation modeling example


If you go to Matlab Central and download this file

you will have a good starting place. You probably don't want to set up a VCO that operates at the RF Frequency, since that will constrain your simulation to run very slowly. That will take an integrated VCO/Divider model, and there is an example in there. The only downside to this approach is that he relies on having the power system's toolbox available for the charge pump. You can work around that, though.


matlab pll frequency domain

Is it possible to check frequency reponse using simulink model? How to do it??

use matlab to simulate pll

Sure. If you look through the file above, there is a nice example of how to calculate the frequency response of a pll using simulink. I'm assuming that you are talking about the closed loop firequency response.

pll simulation

Thanks for RFDave!
From Matlab's web, I find the more detailed behavior model of PLL.
People who want to research the model can refer it first.

pll using simulink

Hello Everyone;
flyinspace wrote:

Thanks for RFDave!
From Matlab's web, I find the more detailed behavior model of PLL.
People who want to research the model can refer it first.

Please specify the URL address of model.

i know this is very old topic, however iam trying to use the simulink models. At the input and output points i have a block with Bad Link. can anyone tell me how to fix that?


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