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BCH encoder, with matlab or c++

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Apr 16, 2008
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bch encoder

hii all, m doing project on concatenated codes, whose constitutes are BCH and Single parity check codes. i m looking for MATLAB codes for BCH encoder. can anyone plz tell me how can i find it online?

i wil be so grateful ..thanx a million in advance.
u can write me on rakesh.aust23(at)

matlab bch

thanx mate..

but i dont knw, which programming language wud be better for error corecting codes.
on eecpage, all prog are written in C++..

wudnt MATLAB be easy to work with matrices and graphs and all..

plz i need suggestion on that..

and any link where i can find matlab code for error correcting codes..?

thanx u so much...

bch decoder c++

bchenc(gf(msg),n,k) is BCH encoder command and bchdec(gf(msg),n,k) is BCH decoder.
refer to MATLAB Help.

matlab using bch codes

thanx mate..

i found those commands from "communication tollbox" of matlab..

so u mean, for simulate concatenated codes, matlab wud be simpler language. coz it already set function, rite??

thanx for replying again..

wil be in touch.. will let u knw the progress..

thank u so much..god bless u...

bch encode

I dont say matlab is simplest.other language is faster than matlab but matlab is simple for use.
Good luck

matlab bch code


Actually, i tried those commands.. but its giving different output (codeword) than what i have caculated manually.

i m following systametic encoding where u construct a structure based on generator polynomail (g(x)). so, for (7,4) code, g(x)=13 ( in octal). its binary wil be 001 011. and so g(x) = 1+x+x3. so 3 register in the structure. so i can get codeword for any 4 input bits. but if i implement the same in MATLAB, it gives me different codeword.

does it mean, MATLAB is following any other method for encoding?

and if i follow this, do i need to crete my own function in matlab?

C is faster, but the lenght of programs is really big..
but i guess, it is easy to write it, rite??

m stuck man.. give some suggestion.


generating bch codes in matlab

I tested Matlab command and its output is right.
C is not very hard but also is not very simple.
I suggest that if you can learn C,do it.beacause it is faster than Matlab and is very usefull in other application.
Good luck.

bch encoder

thanx man..

i tried running those command , but its giving different code for input sequence 1011.

i wil show u exctly where i got it from, m attachign the page.

this is systematic encoder.
may be the inbuilt function in matlab uses different algorithm or something, i dont knw.. but the output is different.

plz find the attachement.

thanx man..

bch decoder c

I am sorry.I am involved by a project.
I reply your question as soon as possible.I don access to Matlab now.
but i can say that check your and matlab polynomial(g(x)).may be your answer and matlab answer has shift related together.may be one of these two solve adds parity check bits to end an other adds those to start of the information bit.
if not only notice me to precisely check your problem.
Good luck.

Added after 23 minutes:

I checked matlab for BCH(7,4,3)
g(x)=1 0 1 1=1+x+x³

msg1=0 0 1 0
code1=0 0 1 0 1 1 0

msg2=1 0 1 0
code2=1 0 1 0 0 1 1

underlined bits are information bits and other bits are parity check bits.

check that your parity check bits are start of the code or end of it.

Good luck!

matlab bch decoder

thanx for replying...
ur rite. it encode the data. but for example,

msg=gf([1 0 1 1])
code1 = bchenc(msg, 7, 4, 'beginning')

ans = 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

but, it does not match with the book which m following...
m attaching the copy of that material. u see it. u will realise how it works..

plz me. i m getting different outputs.

do i need to make my own function by writting a new prog in matlab, if i want to get same output as in he book???

bch matlab code

you are rigth.matlab output is different.
its throuput is ok.but since that you want book output I only can say you that with manipulation of matlab you can do that.I do it but for a few message check it and it was ok,because of that I am so busy I did not check it carefully and therefore I can not strongly say these changes are ok.
matlab performance is ok.what is your persistance on exact output similar to book?
Good luck!

bch encoder matlab

nice attachment. thanks for such an help

communication bch

hii..thanx for reply.

actually, i want to get output accorind to book because my guide wants it. he said it shoud be similar to book.

i request you to send me that maodification u have done in matlab . so i can also run and check the output. plz send that program.

will cu soon..

bch matlab

hii all.
i m writing a code in C++ for (7, 4) BCH code.
does anyone know, how can we generate 2^4 = 16 combination of 4 bit each as input sequence.

generator polynomail decides the number of registers. so i know the value of registers for each code. do i need to use g(x) in writing a program for BCH(7, 4) code.

thanx all..
plz reply, m no where at the moment..
thanx guys....

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