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Traffic analysis using Matlab

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Apr 21, 2005
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I want to perform call traffic simulation in a trunked network (telephone/mobile network). How do I proceed?

please send the example
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Hi nebisman, here i what I accomplished in Matlab.
Traffic Simulation of Trunked Network
This m-file contains codes which simulate traffic (serviced and blocked calls) of a trunked network.
The simulation based on considering time duration in which 100 calls are attempted (offeredto the network).

1>Number of channels set to 10 but can be changed
2> mIAT = mean call arrival rate in minutes, arrvInst = call arrival instances and the first call arrives at time = 0
3> mHT = mean holding time (service time)
4> termInst = call terminating instances
5> Variables "Serviced" and "Blocked" store number of calls served or blocked
6> variable "channels" is an array of size equal to the number of channels available and it stores the terminating instances of currently progressing call carried by the channel.

7> The simulation works by comparing the arrival instances of each call with the terminating instance of calls currently carried by the channels.
For currently arriving call, the arrvInst is compared with the termInst stored in channel variable. If termInst < arrvInst, the arriving call is serviced by that very channel.

Hope this is useful.


how can i change of your code if i need the incoming call follow poisson process.

Thank you in advance
hello dear frnd
the file you have attached is very helpful i am very thankful to you, can u please tell me how to implement call admission control for handoff , new calls of type voice and data. it will be very helpful to me. thanks in advance. i have attached the paper for your kind reference.

Hi nebisman, here i what I accomplished in Matlab.
Traffic Simulation of Trunked Network
This m-file contains codes which simulate traffic (serviced and blocked calls) of a trunked network.
The simulation based on considering time duration in which 100 calls are attempted (offeredto the network).

1>Number of channels set to 10 but can be changed
2> mIAT = mean call arrival rate in minutes, arrvInst = call arrival instances and the first call arrives at time = 0
3> mHT = mean holding time (service time)
4> termInst = call terminating instances
5> Variables "Serviced" and "Blocked" store number of calls served or blocked
6> variable "channels" is an array of size equal to the number of channels available and it stores the terminating instances of currently progressing call carried by the channel.

7> The simulation works by comparing the arrival instances of each call with the terminating instance of calls currently carried by the channels.
For currently arriving call, the arrvInst is compared with the termInst stored in channel variable. If termInst < arrvInst, the arriving call is serviced by that very channel.

Hope this is useful.



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Hi all

please help me , I find how to implement traffic model with matlab.
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