Junior Member level 2
signed to std_logic_vector
I need to synthesize a DCT core to a Spartan3E FPGA and have the following problem:
The core uses a Rom for the DCT coefficients and calculates them like this.
type ROM_TYPE is array (0 to (2**ROMADDR_W)-1)
constant rom : ROM_TYPE :=
(others => '0'),
std_logic_vector( AP )(ROMDATA_W-1 downto 0),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP+AP ),
AP is a constant:
constant AP : SIGNED(ROMDATA_W-1 downto 0) := "00" & "010110101000";
How can I truncate AP+AP to the 14bits needed inside the typecasting command? The problem is that the additions AP+AP, AP+AP+AP etc overflow to >14bits and the core cannot be synthesized.
Any ideas anyone?
I need to synthesize a DCT core to a Spartan3E FPGA and have the following problem:
The core uses a Rom for the DCT coefficients and calculates them like this.
type ROM_TYPE is array (0 to (2**ROMADDR_W)-1)
constant rom : ROM_TYPE :=
(others => '0'),
std_logic_vector( AP )(ROMDATA_W-1 downto 0),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP ),
std_logic_vector( AP+AP+AP+AP ),
AP is a constant:
constant AP : SIGNED(ROMDATA_W-1 downto 0) := "00" & "010110101000";
How can I truncate AP+AP to the 14bits needed inside the typecasting command? The problem is that the additions AP+AP, AP+AP+AP etc overflow to >14bits and the core cannot be synthesized.
Any ideas anyone?