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aseembly language problem (using intel language)

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Junior Member level 1
Mar 2, 2008
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i have a problem to design a software in assembly language.

the question is like below
Title : Multimedia Application

Problem Description

You are required to create a Multimedia application that generates a calendar of the year, and at the same time be able to select a particular date and display the time. In a addition, your application will be able to select a wave (*.wav) file and subsequently play the file. Your application should also be able to stop the play and close the application

pls anyone help me

linaweku said:
i have a problem to design a software in assembly language.

the question is like below
Title : Multimedia Application

Problem Description

You are required to create a Multimedia application that generates a calendar of the year, and at the same time be able to select a particular date and display the time. In a addition, your application will be able to select a wave (*.wav) file and subsequently play the file. Your application should also be able to stop the play and close the application

pls anyone help me

this idea sounds very interesting...

hmm.. well for generating calender you need the RTC- Real Time Clock IC.
which will helps you to generate the clalender haveing time, date, day, month, year and alarm also.
so as per alarm time your port / port pin will be active or deactive.

one more suggestion. it would be better if you can code in C rather than Assembly.
bcoz it will be large code in assembly and alos will be more complicated..

but regarding playing *.wav file using MCU i dont have much more knowledge but i would like to know. :wink:


    Points: 2
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thank you, acctually i already solve this problem by using assembly langguage..
yes, it complicated but it a asignment ...

i believe by using C language it will be more simple..
last time i code a ATM machine using C language and it very straight forward..


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