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which c compiler best for microchip microcontrollers!

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microchip c compiler best

can you please tell me which c compiler is best for microchip microcontrollers ccs , hitech or mikroc

why does microchip have 2 c compilers

jit_singh_tara said:
can you please tell me which c compiler is best for microchip microcontrollers ccs , hitech or mikroc

In my opinion

each one is having its own plus points.

So learn and use any one from the list, it will become the best for you!

That is what usually seems to happen!

c compiler best

Just before you choose make sure about pricing. I am using PICL at the moment but with all the restrictions I really want to upgrade.

I have looked at pricing and to me would be the best to even upgrade to the PIC18 family of processors. I am going to use lite version by Microchip themselves for now. Their pricing is also not that redicoulus. I am an hobbyist and cannot afford the real versions but if i have to I would go PIC18 from Microchip and I am also assured of compatibility.


best microcontrollers

Dear Guys ,,

I used MicroC compiler .. I found it user friendly on every aspects ...

The Configuration file and all it cud generate with the help of GUI ..:) . there is no

need for any codes to be written for configurring the PIC while using MicroC ..

Try With Micro C it will help u a lot ... :)

Thanks and regards ..
S.Vigneshwaran @ Vikee ..:)
teaching picc-lite

CCS has started very strong competition and upgradation compared to Hitech !

mikroc compiler review

@above post by me ..

Sorry it is ... MikroC .. not MicroC ..

microchip +assembly or c

Well, that is a personal preference.

I like to have the fuse states in front of me, and any other peripheral that I configure on the pic.

Makes things more transparent, visible and thus - easy !

microchip c compiller

In my opinion HITECH PICC is the best compiler for Microchip's baseline and midrange controllers. Although it is quite expensive as compared to the other compilers available on the market (mikro c, ccsc etc). For the 16bit and the 32 bit devices i prefer Microchip's own student editions of C30 compiler.
Search for PICC on the internet and you will find everything..........
css microcontroller compiler

I am also search for some C complier of PIC microcontroller.
the most important point I must think over is that which kind of the teaching material of the Complier I can easily find!

bad microchip compiler

eforweb said:
...most important point I must think over is that which kind of the teaching material of the Complier I can easily find!

very relevant statement. in that case I feel Hi tech will be the most unsuccessful compiler around.(manual is not bad, but not much use to a beginner in C )

CCS and MickroC are better options there. There are even third party books based on CCS compiler.


mikroc versus css

It depends of what you want to do with the microcontroller.

Personally, i think that Mikroc is the best for the beginner because it's the more user-friendly. There is a very good help manual with complete examples (hard and code).

But it will not compile as efficiently as Hitech or Css.

Take mikroc if what you want to do is not too complicated, i think it's cheaper than the others too.

what are the c compilers available in the market

@waseem : How is HITECH PICC the best compiler for Microchip's baseline and midrange controllers ?

Is code efficiency that important now a days ?

Documentation, tech support, books, reachout and responsiveness is more important - for either a company or a beginner.
microchip c30 ccsc

well thanks a lot all the reviews helped me a lot , i think mikroc would be a better option .Documentation, tech support, books, reachout and responsiveness is more important - for either a company or a beginner.

is there any error or bug faced in mikroC those who have worked on it please reply , i will be thankfull.

Added after 7 minutes:

also please if possible try to rate i.e give points out of 10 for the different 3 c compilers for pic

best microchip pic microcontroller forum

for 8051 family's best compiler is KEIL uVision.
It simplifys very much, i mean in compression.

micrchip c compiler

i prefer mikroC.easy.and i suggest - proteus to simulate the ;)

best microchip compiler

Hi vsmguy!
well, for a beginner code efficiency is absolutely not necessary. So mikro C or ccsc compilers might be the best ones. What i think is that these compilers have builtin fucntions (libraries) for various peripheral usage and configuration so it is very easy to start with them but there is a problem with that, since you never go into the detail of the peripherals you donot learn their true potential.
I have used both of these compilers and they are good but once i used the USART initilisation functions of CCSC and it didn't work for me. After an hour of extensive simulation i came to know that the function was not calculating the value for the baud rate register correctly. I think they might have fixed that in their new version.
Still i think that those people who start with assembly (or C) and configure each peripheral themselves by studying the data sheets are the experts.

good c compiler for microchip

@waseem : I have been reading your posts for some time now, and I feel that you are very good and speak from experience.

Yes, CCS does have buggy functions, but which library does not ?

Cost is definitely a factor, and I am definitely impressed by CCS support.

Have you been to CCS forum ?

microc hightech css

Hi VsmGuy!
Thanks for the complements. I alwasy try to help people with whatever knowledge i have, and always try to learn things.

Yeah i have been to CCS forum but not that frequently. I agree with you that they have a very quick response because i have corresponded with them.
For a beginner cost is one of the major factors.

Best Regards

Is mikroC can do lots of things for bigginers?

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