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Distance Measurement using PIC & Ultrasonic Sensors

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Feb 7, 2006
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distance measurement pic


I just want to share my BSEE graduation project here with you guys.

Hope it helps someone...

Your questions & comments are highly welcomed.

For completeness sake, I uploaded Appendix C, which contains selected some useful Data Sheets related directly to the project.

distance measurement using ultrasonic

You remembered !

What job are you looking for ? What is your background ?

ultrasonic sensors distance measurement

vsmGuy said:
Anyone implemented parts fo this excellent project ?

I plan to implement, but I am facing problems in finding ultrasonic sensors in my area.

Do you know good distributors for them in any area?

Best regards,

distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor

what ultrasonic sensor that i should use for underwater application for detecting obstacle?

Added after 12 minutes:

is the output of the sensor in analog? or digital... somebody suggest me what sensor that i should use..thanx..

project on ultrasonic sensors

inifinitrix said:
what ultrasonic sensor that i should use for underwater application for detecting obstacle?

Added after 12 minutes:

is the output of the sensor in analog? or digital... somebody suggest me what sensor that i should use..thanx..
There are ultrasound sensors that work underwater, you should ask in your local store.


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ultrasonic distance meter using pic

A cool project but ultrasonic is affected very much by temperature, any temperature compensation for it?
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    sea sengheng

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ultrasonic sensor with pic

thank you , Can any one generally give how it work
ultrasonic pic

Hi all,
I have read all of your replies involving ultrasonics, ultrasonics are tricky one to handle because speed of sound varies with temperature, humidity and if in any other medium then so a compensation is necessary the difference between ordinary and underwater ultrasonics is of frequency.
any one of you worked on Doppler's shift in ultrasonics.
I am working on a project in which i have to analyse the frequency distortion of an ultrasonic wave when passed through different gemstones it is beneficial in testing the quality of those stones

if any one has ideas please share.

pic sensors

I will be using this... thanks

distance measurement project


you build the uploaded project ?

i want to modify it such that , it will on the buzzer for less than 4 feet distances !

can you help me for modification !

your project is similar to the EPE "tape measurement " project ?

i build it working fine but , i need modification !

*area measuring using pic

=_=!! i dont have enough points to download >.< can email me pls?


underwater ultrasonics

saeed_pk said:
Hi all,
I have read all of your replies involving ultrasonics, ultrasonics are tricky one to handle because speed of sound varies with temperature, humidity and if in any other medium then so a compensation is necessary the difference between ordinary and underwater ultrasonics is of frequency.
any one of you worked on Doppler's shift in ultrasonics.
I am working on a project in which i have to analyse the frequency distortion of an ultrasonic wave when passed through different gemstones it is beneficial in testing the quality of those stones

if any one has ideas please share.

Dear Saeed,

I neglected the effects of Doppler's shift in my project. I thought it was beyond the main scope of the undergraduate project.

If you have done or come by any related analysis, please post/upload.

Thanks for your comment...


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ultrasound sensor pic

thanx man thats very nice , are you from the just university ?

im from yarmouk university , i noticed that the code is short and will done,

you encourage me to upload my project about (home security and control system)

its in ccs c code with sms control , if any one think it worth to upload tell me plz.


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ultrasonic sensor distance measurement problem

yes i need your project doc, sch, prog ,error note :- correction ,modification , suggestion , etc.

thank you
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ultrasonic measurement project

Excellent work. It gives me some idea on my grad project. tq.
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ultrasound distance pic

I tried to build the project but a deeper look into the schematics seems to have some problems: the 2 diodes in reverse polarity are connected in parallel with the ultrasonic sensor, meaning that the voltage across the sensor could never exceed 0.6V. Then how can the 40KHz signal be applied to drive the transmission? May be I am missing something??
i have a project that is a robot following the wall with 10 cm away from the wall
i have to use pic 16f877 and ultasonic tranucers (tx and rx) and 2 dc motor left and right
the code must be in assambly language not on c :S
any one can helppppp meeee 10xxx
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