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Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC++ 6)

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
May 14, 2002
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This is my BS project which is due in a couple of days,it uses TINA to optimize a circuit!
if anyone wanted this project ,just drop me a line

where can I get a copy of the genetic alg. that I can use for general purpose optimization?

GA optimization...

I have never searched for GAs,and I've written my own!
I don't know whether you want a source code for it,or like a book about it!
if you want the name of a couple of good books on the subject then drop me a line,otherwise I'm sorry ,cause I can't help you.

how complex is it?

how powerful is the version you wrote? are there difference on the speed of the convergence? I thought it is a very complex one and takes a long time to implement. I need a powerful one.

GA optimization toolbox for Matlab...

this could be of some use to you


my GA...

well,it's alright,it can do just fine for 5 or 6 unknown elements in a circuit!
get's real close to the answer in a matter of seconds

each pair of parents produces 4 children and the fitness keeps getting better with a good rate...

but I think I can make it even better,but I have no more time to work on it and gotta finish the interfaces and give it in soon...

Re: Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC+

arsham11 said:
This is my BS project which is due in a couple of days,it uses TINA to optimize a circuit!
if anyone wanted this project ,just drop me a line

Re: Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC+

Hi to all,
I know it has been a while, allllllot has happened during the past two years and I haven't bee able to do much other than read my emails!
sorry again....
well, I have uploaded my B.S. project (not the actual application) but the bad news is almost all of it is in farsi! there is only and appendix in english on the program and how it works and ....!

**broken link removed**

I have been told NOT to upload the program itself! I am working on finishing my thesis on WLAN Security and it is going to be in English! I promise!

Re: Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC+

for those who wants extensive information about genetic algorithms see

**broken link removed**

Re: Analog Circuit Optimization -> would gradient be bett

Hello all.
I have been using an optimizer for the optimization of different RF circuits and I believe that the best algorithm is still the gradient method.
I have tryed different algorithms (available in the software I have) and my best results are always with gradient.
Maybe this is the implementation of the other algorithms that is not good enought but for circuits with transistors (MOS) and other passive components including transmission lines I always got better results with gradient....very slow but always get there.....
Anyone has tryed different optimizations algorithms to optimize the same circuit... any idea????
Any simple code available for the gradient algorithm????


Re: Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC+

In fact there is no mathematical prove that a gradient algorithm could reach a glopal optima, while for genetic algorithm GA ther is such proof. but you need to make a GA that coresponds to your application. my advice to you is to spend some time to learn how to make genetic algorithm and not to use already made ones.

Re: Analog Circuit Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (VC+

I started this thread a long time ago, but I was very happy to see the latest posts,... I should say I agree with the last post, GA will return the GLOBAL best result and will do so in less time. However it does require some fine teuning and there is no off-the-shelf equation to use!

I have used GA in my MS thesis < h**p:// > as well to optimize breaking WEP keys in 802.11 networks, in general I should say "GA ROCKS!"

I need some help for genetic algorithm coding in analog circuit design

The rapidly expanding field of Genetic Algorithms ( GAs ) has given rise to many new applications in a variety of disciplines. One of the major applications in which GA is used is
Optimization. Genetic Algorithm is a subset of evolutionary algorithms that model biological processes to optimize highly complex cost functions.
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