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How to configure an input in 5V-FPGA as CMOS input

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Mar 22, 2007
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xilinx 5v fpga

I read the XCS05 datasheet and learnt that we could configure the inputs of this 5V-FPGA as CMOS inputs ( instead of TTL ones as default ) by using an option in the bitstream generation software.

But how? Could anyone clarify for me?

Thanks in advance!!!

Refer to the "Input" option in the "BitGen" chapter of the "Development System Reference Guide" for the old ISE 4:

That old Spartan FPGA requires the old ISE version 4.2 software. It's now called "ISE Classics", and it's a free download from Xilinx:
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Firstly, many thanks to you.

And I want to ask some more.

I've read the link u posted. It says Spartan chips were never synthesized by any tools of Xilinx. And we must use a 3rd party tool. So does it mean I have to download a 3rd-party one to synthesize my XCS05 ? And why do have to use ISE Classics while it doesn't help me synthesize my designs on XCS05 ?

I'm doing a project on making a simple kit with an XC9536XL and XCS05 configured via JTAG. So, is it possible to configure/program my kit with ISE 7 via JTAG? ( after synthesize by a 3rd party of course )

I've never used the original Spartan devices, but that sounds correct about no synthesis in ISE Classics. It only provides place-and-route and downloading. Synplify and Synplify Pro are good 3rd party synthesis tools that support the old Spartan FPGA. When you create an FPGA project in ISE Classics, the Project Navigator tool can automatically call Synplify to compile your HDL. That's convenient.

You have an unfortunate mix of old and new devices. ISE Classics supports the XCS05 but not the XC9536XL. ISE 7 supports the XC9536XL but not the XCS05.
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You probably need to install both versions of ISE, and also a 3rd party synthesis tool such as Synplify for the XCS05. That's messy!

If you somehow find an original set of ISE Foundation 4.2 disks, I think it included an HDL synthesizer that works with Spartan. It was probably FPGA Express or an early version of XST. However, many folks reported those old version synthesizers weren't as good as Synplify.

I think the JTAG download utility (iMAPCT) in all newer versions of Xilinx ISE will download to all older Xilinx devices such as the XCS05.
All versions of Synplify can handle my synthesis problem, is that wat you mean?

Uhm, I've learnt that Simplicity's license is too expensive. Are there any free or low-cost solutions?

Coz my kit is dedicated to students who are living in a developing country. We don't have thousands of dollars to purchase a tool for studying. That's why I utilize XCS05, the FPGA of Jura's era. Maybe it's out of date to you but it'still useful for us to get familiar to FPGA and do some simple digital engineer practices.

Anyway, thanks!

Yes, Synplify is expensive. The original Spartan was a good useful FPGA, but I don't recall any low-cost or free development tools in those days like we have now with ISE WebPACK. If anyone knows of one, please speak up!

If you have a small budget for new hardware, maybe you could buy a few inexpensive Spartan-3 or Spartan-3E boards, so you could use the free ISE WebPACK. For example, Digilent sells several FPGA boards starting at $59 US: Logic

ISE WebPACK also includes an HDL simulator. That's another important feature not included in ISE Classics.

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