Advanced Member level 2
cadence ic610
i am new to setting up a linux distro and software. i've managed to install IC610 Base and ISR200612081658 using installscape onto my computer. i've been following the instructions from here:
i am at the part about editing the bash file. i know what most of the paths should be, but what do i do about the ones starting with NCSU since they are specific to whoever is writing the guide?
once the setup is complete, do i just go to /usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/dfII/bin and run icfb&? what technology does this give me access to? i am getting tsmc 0.13u and 0.18u, how do i install those and run them? at my university, we had to do this:
1. go to ~/cadence (wherever cds.lib is saved)
2. type cadenceenv05 to set up environment
3. type startCds -t cmosp18 (i.e. to run cmosp18) to open cadence
how can i configure mine to work that way? thanks.
ok i've edited .bashrc to contain the following paths
but i get this error when i run icfb
i have the cds_plat folder in /usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/bin/cds_plat
i looked up the /bin/awk error, apparently i dont have 'awk' and i dont know how to install it
how do i fix these errors?
i am new to setting up a linux distro and software. i've managed to install IC610 Base and ISR200612081658 using installscape onto my computer. i've been following the instructions from here:
i am at the part about editing the bash file. i know what most of the paths should be, but what do i do about the ones starting with NCSU since they are specific to whoever is writing the guide?
once the setup is complete, do i just go to /usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/dfII/bin and run icfb&? what technology does this give me access to? i am getting tsmc 0.13u and 0.18u, how do i install those and run them? at my university, we had to do this:
1. go to ~/cadence (wherever cds.lib is saved)
2. type cadenceenv05 to set up environment
3. type startCds -t cmosp18 (i.e. to run cmosp18) to open cadence
how can i configure mine to work that way? thanks.
ok i've edited .bashrc to contain the following paths
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/all_cadence_license.dat
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/all_cadence_license.dat
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/tools/bin:$CDS_INSTALL_DIR/bin:$CDS_ROOT/tools/spectre/bin:$PATH
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
but i get this error when i run icfb
/usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/dfII/bin/icfb: 97: cds_plat: not found
/usr/local/cadence/IC610/share/oa/bin/sysname: 328: /bin/awk: not found
/usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/dfII/bin/32bit/icfb.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libelf.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
i have the cds_plat folder in /usr/local/cadence/IC610/tools/bin/cds_plat
i looked up the /bin/awk error, apparently i dont have 'awk' and i dont know how to install it
how do i fix these errors?