Member level 5

rayleigh fading rice
If one considers a channel which has only rayleigh fading and no ISI (no freq selective fading) then the signal will only have flat fading or simply amplitude variations
I wonder what causes these amplitude fluctuations, one thing is of course distance dependent fading between Tx and Rx and also multipath signals adding and subtracting each other at receiver, but i wonder if AWGN is added to this fading or not/
if no then do we have to add AWGN noise to each multipath when modelling rayleigh fading ?
If one considers a channel which has only rayleigh fading and no ISI (no freq selective fading) then the signal will only have flat fading or simply amplitude variations
I wonder what causes these amplitude fluctuations, one thing is of course distance dependent fading between Tx and Rx and also multipath signals adding and subtracting each other at receiver, but i wonder if AWGN is added to this fading or not/
if no then do we have to add AWGN noise to each multipath when modelling rayleigh fading ?