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[ask] infinite patch and polarization check in IE3D

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Sep 14, 2007
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Greetings to all members...
I'm having trouble in using the IE3D, hope someone could help me...

I want to simulate slot antenna in infinite patch using the IE3D,
how I can make infinite patch in the IE3D? I know that the substrate and the ground plane in IE3D are infinite in default, so can I also make infinite metal patch on top of it?

By using IE3D, can I check the polarization of the antenna?
I want to know whether my antenna have circular or linear polarization, is it possible? If yes how could I done that?

First, thanks for your help...

Hi, shadow:

What do you mean slot on infinite patch? Do you mean you want to have a slot on a ground. Then, you want to have an infinite metallic strip on top of it. If it is the case, it means you have an infinite top ground. You can define a top ground on the Substrates section.

You can use IE3D to check the polarization with all different pattern parameters. Regards.

Hi Jian,

Thanks for the reply.
What I mean is, just like single patch square microstrip antenna with slot, but in my case the square patch dimension is become infinite, so in other words I just want to investigate the characteristic of the slot.

About the polarization, that's a relief but could you give me the step to do that (sorry if I ask much).

Thank you

Hi, Shadow_khan:

I think you just define an infinite ground somewhere above the bottom ground with the slot. It should be good.

There are many pattern parameters you can use to study polarization. You just use PATTERNVIEW for it. You need to specify exactly what kind of polarization properties you want to study. On PATTERNVIEW, you can visualize E-theta, E-phi, E-left, E-right and axial ratio. All those parameters are related to polarizations. It will cover too many things without specific.

Best regards,

Thanks again Jian,

I've tried your suggestion for the top ground plane, but I have problem...

OK, here's how I add the infinite patch (top ground plane):
- first I add the dielectric layer (with its parameter ε and tanδ) says at X position, it become layer 1
- then I add the infinite top ground plane, the same method as the first one but in here I don't change the ε and tanδ, in substitute I change the real part of conductivity from 0 to 4.9e+007. I found problem for the Top surface, because when I input X+0.002 (the thickness of the ground plane metal), the system give me error mesage and didn't permit me to do that.Why?

When I choose the Top surface for the Top ground plane the same as the dielectric, i.e X it's accepted. But in the MGrid draw window ' didn't get anything (just white screen with grid), just like no metal at all. So when I try to add slot by using "Dig rectangular hole", don't give a result...

Please help me to do this, is just the same like simulating stacked slot microstrip antenna but the slot patch is infinite. That's I don't get it...


Hi, Shadow_khan:

The 2nd way is correct. It does not display the infinite ground on the top view. You can see a horizontal line at the layer of the z for the infinite ground. It indicates it is an infinite ground at that level.

best regards,

Hi Jian,

Thanks again, and sorry I stilll have problem...

Thanks for your explanation, as you suggested I create the infinite top ground patch, with the height same as the dielectric layer height. (I did see the horizontal line in the layer no.2).

The problem is how I can dig rectangular hole?
because when I try the "Dig rectangular hole" tools it doesn't work,
or there another way to make a hole/slot to this infinite top ground plane.
Please give your favour to assist me.


Hi, shadow_khan:

To define a hole on an infinite ground, you don't need to dig a hole. You just define some horizontal polygons on the z where infinite ground plane is on. The horizontal polygons on infinite ground will be treated as holes on IE3D. Regards.
Thank you so much Jian.
I'll try your suggestion.

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