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direct digital synthesis thesis

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direct digital synthesis thesis pdf

This is a list of papers and some other matherials on DDS spur reduction/ IMHO best works from Nicolas and Wheatley

J.Schiffer. EW Systems Synthesizers Find a New Design Approach. // MSN, Dec. 1981.
B.Bjerede, G.Fisher. A New Phase Accumulator Approach to Frequency Synthesis. // Proc. IEEE NAECON 76, p.928, May 1976.
J.Tierney, С.M.Rader, B.Gold. A Digital Frequency Synthesizer. // IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., Volume AU-19, p.48, March 1971.
V.Reinhardt, et al. A Short Survey of Frequency Synthesizer Techniques. // Proc. 40th AFCS 86, p.355.
E.C.Kisenwether, W.C.Troxell. Performance Analysis of the Numerically Controlled Oscilator. // Proc. 40th AFCS 86, pp. 373 - 378.
J.Candy, An-Ni Huynh. Double interpolation for Digital-to-Analog Conversion. // IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. COM-24, N1, Jan 1986.
A.Bramble. Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis // Proc. 35th AFCS 1981, p. 406.
A.Bramble, J.Kesperis. Army Frequency Agile Synthesizer Program. // Proc. 40th AFCS 1986, p.366.
D.A.Sunderland, et al. CMOS/SOS Frequency Synthesizer LSI Circuit for Spread Spectrum Communications. // IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. SC-19, No 4, August 1984.
J.A.Connelly, K.P.Taylor. An Analysis Methodology to Identify dominant Noise Source in D/A and A/D Converters. // IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CS-38, pp 1133-1144, October 1991.
L.J.Kushner. The Composite DDS - A New Direct Digital Synthesizer Architecture. // Proc. 1993 IEEE international frequency control symp., p.255, 1993.
V.C.Reinhardt. Spur Reduction Techniques in Direct Digital Synthesizers. // Proc. 1993 IEEE international frequency control symp., p.230, 1993.
B. Bjerede, G.Fisher. An Efficient Hardware Implementation for High Resolution Frequency Synthesis. // Proc. Frequency Сontrol Symp. (USERADCOM), Atlantic City, June 1976.
C.Cole. Design of a Direct Digital Synthesizer. // Masters. Thesis, Masachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982.
A.T. Crowley, и др. Frequency Synthesizer // RCA Advanced Technology Labs, Camdan, New Jersey, 1st Interim Report to ERADCOM, Ft. Monmouth (DELET-TR81-0376-1), February 1982.
G. DesBrisay Jr, и др. Signal Converter - Low PRF 481083-151 Unit Design Description. // Huges Technical Memorandum 70-08, September 1970.
G.C.Gillette. Digiphase Principle. // Frequency Technology, August 1969.
J.Galbraith. Generate Sine Wave by Direct Table Look-up. // EDN, p.101, 28 April 1982.
R. Hassun. The Common Denominators in Fractional N. // Microwaves and RF, p. 107, June 1984.
P.E.C.Hoppes. A Radiation Hardened Low Power Numerically-Controlled Oscillator. // Proc. IEEE 1982 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Rochester, New York, 17-19 May 1982.
Frequency Synthesis and Applications. / Edited by J. Gorsky-Popiel, IEEE Press, 1975.
H.W. Kaiser, и др., SOS Frequency Synthesizer. // RCA Advanced Technolgy Labs, Moorestown, New Jersey, Final Report to ERADCOM, Fort Monmouth (DELET-TR81-0376-8), January 1985.
E.J.Nossen. Digital Frequency Synthesis. Unated States Patent 4 206 425, 3 June 1980.
U.Rohde. Low Noise Frequency Synthesizers Using Fractional N Phase-Locked Loops. // MSN, January / February 1981.
C.E.Wheatley III, D.E.Phillips. Spurious Suppression in Direct Digital Synthesizers // Proc. 35th AFCS 1981, p.428.
C.E.Wheatley III. Digital Frequency Synthesizer with Random Jittering for Reducing Descrete Spectral Spurs. United States Patent 4 410 954, 18 October 1983.
E.R.Schineller, и др. Development of a Fast Hopping Frequency Synthesizer Utilizing a Fractional Division Phase Locked Loop. // ITT Avionics Div., Nutley, New Jersey, Final Report to Avionics Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB (AFWAL-TR82-1093), September 1982.

H.T.Nicholas III, H.Samueli. An Analysis of the Output Spectrum of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers in the Presence of Phase-Accumulator Truncation. // Proc. 42nd AFCS, pp.495-502,1987.
H.T.Nicholas III, H.Samueli, B.Kim. The Optimization of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Performance in the Presence of Finite Word Lenght Effects. // Proc. 42nd AFCS, pp. 357-363, 1988.
H.T.Nicholas, H.Samueli. A 150-MHz Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer in 1.25-um CMOS with -90 dB Spurious Performance. // IEEE J. of Solid State Circuits, Vol. SC-26, No. 12, pp. 1959-1969, December 1991.
H.T.Nicholas. The Determination of the Output Spectrum of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers in the Presehce of Phase Accumulator Truncation. Thesis Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering. UCLA, 1985.
M.P.Abadfa, A.F.Duran. A Contribution to Dect in Frequency Synthesis and Modulation Using DDS.
V.F.Kroupa. Discrete Spurious Signals and Background Noise in Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers. // Proc. 1993 IEEE international frequency control symp., p.242, 1993.
V.F.Kroupa. Spectra of Pulse Rate Frequency Synthesizers. // Proc. IEEE, Vol. 67, pp. 1680-1682, December 1979.
V.F.Kroupa. Spectral purity of direct digital frequency synthesizers. // Proc. 44th AFCS, pp. 498 - 510, May 1990.
V.F.Kroupa. Noise properties of PLL systems. // IEEE Trans. UFFC-37, pp. 307 - 315, July 1990.
V.F.Kroupa. Low-Noise Microwave Synthesizer Design Principles. // IEEE Proc., Vol. 130, Part H, No. 7, p.483, October 1983.
J.N.Denenberg. Spectral Moment Estimators: A New Aproach to Tone Detection. // Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 143-155, Feb. 1976.
P.Saul, D.Taylor, T.Ward. A 500 MHz output direct frequency synthesizer. // Proc. 15th Europian Solid-State Circuits Conf. 1989, Vienna, pp.156 - 158.

V.Anrews, M.Brown, W.White, P.Wang, R.Meyer, J.Vaal. A Monolithic GaAs DDS for a Digital Radio Application. // 1992 COMAC Conference Digest, pp. 431 - 434.

Michael J. Flanagan, George A. Zimmerman. Spur-Redused Digital Sinusoid Synthesys. // IEEE Trans. COM-43,N 7, July 1995, pp 2254-2262.
Analog Devices AD7008 data sheet.
RF Synthesizers, Journal of Electronic Defence, January 1995, Suplement, pp 16-19.
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