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Tcl and Perl for backend VLSI design

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Jan 6, 2007
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Hi everyone
Iam just a fresher in the VLSI Physical design field. I want to familiarise with tool commands. As a fresher which one do i need to start either Tcl or Perl. And please also let me know which is more important for a backend design engineer.
Thank u

tcl or perl

Most of the tools are built on TCL.May be u learn TCL

tcl or perl

You will build your script with TCL, then analysis your result with Perl.

tcl or perl

You should definitely learn both, TCL is neccessary to run the tools but perl (or something similarly powerfull at text processing) is very helpfull in speeding up many text analysis and processing tasks.

tcl or perl

Most EDA tools have embedded tcl for scripting so you have to learn at least that.

However , many people think that perl is more powerful in text processing and manipulating text files. So it is not uncommon to see perl scripts for the manipulation of netlists, constraints , sdf, spefs and other relevant text files

Re: tcl or perl

Learn both it will be advantageous,coaching centre is in Ameerpet,Hyderabad.

Re: tcl or perl

i also think that learn TCL first. So far i know perl is also extensively used in BACKEND. So you need to know that.

Both languages are simple. I dont think you need to go for any training.


tcl or perl

Hi All,

You need's to learn both.since if u want to use scripts inside the tool the TCL is more powerfull.but if you want's to use script outside the tool like automationa and all u need's to use perl.and perl is very easy.


Re: tcl or perl

TCL will be more helpful in automation as most of the EDA tools nowadays support TCL.

Re: tcl or perl

tcl means tool command language, that's more general than perl in eda tools.

pratap_v said:
Hi everyone
Iam just a fresher in the VLSI Physical design field. I want to familiarise with tool commands. As a fresher which one do i need to start either Tcl or Perl. And please also let me know which is more important for a backend design engineer.
Thank u

Re: tcl or perl

Learn in the following order:

1. Unix commands
2. Shell scripting
3. TCL
4. Perl
Re: tcl or perl

hai guys i am in synplicity..just joined
they told me that they will explain tcl and shell scripting ..
i completely agreed with this order..its good

Re: tcl or perl

Both are about 100 times better than shell programming, both are interpreted languages, perl is actually less of an interpreter than tcl is.

i have studied in some doc's that "perl code will on average be about 10x faster than tcl code. That's because tcl is a pure interpreter, whereas perl is a demicompiler; that is, it turns its target program into an intermediary form and than executes that using its interpreter"

tcl does not store its data or code in internal form, which means it has to re-parse it again and again.

There is more information on this in various topics at eda board. But all of the above is unrelated as here our purpose is to use basic tcl/perl to write few scripts(to automate) which makes our work easier. Both are good for our kind of work.

Thanks & Regards

Re: tcl or perl

eeeraghu is right. Both are good!
Many thanks!

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