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Xilinx CPLD Programing Cable

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Mar 29, 2004
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xilinx usb cable schematic


I have a project with limited burget which consists of CPLD. I plan to get free ISE Webpack. But it is difficult to doenload, because the file is too big.

I checked Xilinx's web, their USB programing cable is expensive (about USD140).

I found 3rd party JTAG-USB cable from Digilent (, but I don't know it is fully compatible with ISE.

I have seen a simple parallel schmatic diagram from magazine but I couldn't retrieve it any more. Can any body help me on this? Is there any problem to use parallel cable in laptop without LPT? I'm afraid USB-LPT adaptor is not stable.

xilinx usb jtag schematic

Go here and click "Request DVD":
You'll also want the latest ISE Service Pack. If it isn't on the DVD, then it's a 470MB download.

I use the Parallel Cable IV. I haven't tried the Xilinx USB cable, but it's probably more reliable than building your own Parallel Cable III clone, unless you are extra careful about signal integrity. Here's the Parallel Cable III schematic:
**broken link removed**

The Digilent JTAG-USB cable reference manual says it requires Digilent's Adept software, so I assume Xilinx iMPACT won't talk to it. Anyone else know for sure?

I don't know about USB-LPT adapters.


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jtag parallel cable schematic


I visited Digilent web again, your are right, the JTAG-USb cable seem to be not compatible with ISE. It is used in conjuction with Digilent's Adept software.

This Adept software can read the file created by ISE, for example, "*.jed" for XC95xx, then program it to the chip via JTAG-USB cable.

Anyone with Digilent's Adept software experiences? Is it user friendly? Powerful?

Added after 7 minutes:

i forgot to ask, does the code protection configuration information store in the *.jed file? If not, when we use Adept software to program the chip, how can we set code protection?

jtag cable for xilinx cpld

I don't have idea abt digilent JTAG-USB cable but I use digilent parallel Jtag cablewhich is compatible with Xilinx parallel cable III. IF you use good quality cable and keep it short...its a realy cheap & best solution. 100% compatible with impact and tons of other jtag sw available.

usb jtag xilinx

Thanks. Yes, parallel cable can work well, I believe even 3rd party cables work ok as well.

But my problem is that my laptop has no LPT. I had experience, USB to LPT adaptor is not stable.

xilinx cpld jtag programmer

Yes you are right, USB ---> LPT is not stable, and this causes to JTAG clock mismatching at target side.

If you can afford to buy a digilent USB download cable then it is the cheapest solution for the same. They have their own software (Adept). Which is very friendly as much as iMPACT.

Other option is you have to use a desktop PC or Lap top which has LPT port.


cpld jed

Reason for clk mismatch is something else... but defiantly USB -> LPT adapters are not gr8 solution but still they work..... however I don't think going for such a sol. is going to be cheap. So its better to use direct USB cable. I have no exp with adept SW so can't comment on that ..Sachin perhaps u can show that to me sometime....BTW on which stage is board bringup ? Any issues ? Y u needed that older CPLD jed file ?

Added after 17 minutes:

BTW I forgot to mention.... if u plan to build usb jtag cable ur self I don't think thats going to be too difficult. If u google, I am sure u'll find links.

this is one such project though not meant to work with Xilinx SW, author has given pointers for req. modification.

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