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Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please answer

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Advanced Member level 4
Advanced Member level 4
Apr 12, 2005
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San Jose, California, USA
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I received and international call from someone that i never meet before, and he say he lives in certain country (let's say: 'A').

The problem is the number i received on my cell phone Caller-ID refers to another very far country (say: 'B')!!

Can this theoretically and practically happen?? If so, how can it occur?

In other words, can country 'A' numbers be sent through another country 'B' and got the a number as if the caller is calling from 'B' although he's actually very far at 'A'?

Anyone explains it to me please?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Re: Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please ans

It may be that the caller ID in your country of telephone has a limited number of digits. It is also possible that the caller used a fake caller ID number to fool you just like spam email has fake return addresses.
Agreed with flatulent. Careful with such caller
Re: Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please ans


Here's a scenario but I am not sure of it.

Some countries use VOIP for international calls, and because there's no gateway for international calls in your country ,the call may be routed to another country and then from that country to yours using normal telephone network.

I am not sure of this , it's just a guess

Hossam Alzomor
Re: Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please ans

alzomor said:
Some countries use VOIP for international calls, and because there's no gateway for international calls in your country ,the call may be routed to another country and then from that country to yours using normal telephone network.

Its a wrong concept. When u route traffic through any other route, the caller ID doesn't change..
Some countries change caller ID (for security reasons), when they route their own contry calls to another, but in this case i haven't heard that the caller ID as well as Country code changes..
Another possiblility is that that some small telecom companies purchases leased lines in one country and using numbering series of that country they can call from another country (technology used, is VOIP in general).. Like i live in Pakistan, one of my friend said that his friend called him from UK (i think), but the caller ID as well as country code was of Pakistan. If this is true, then think that if he call you in Egypt, and say that he is calling from UK, then its your scenarion, and quite possible.

Note: Im related to Telecomm field from 5 years, but there is a chance that i m wrong..

Re: Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please ans

the simplest reply is he may have got the number from say UK whcih start from 0044 and then he is calling the guy in France from France using a mobile operator of UK i.e., iternational raaming.

P.S. i dont know if UK mobile works in France, its just an example.

Re: Question about a phone call!!! Practical one! Please ans


I faced this scenario
When I was in Egypt I get calls from Malaysia but the no appears to be from Mobile operator in Egypt.

When I was In Malaysia I get calls from Egypt and the whole no is 0301
When I was In Malaysia and get calls from Austria the no appears to be from local land line in Malaysia?!!!

What the reason for all of this?!!!

Hossam Alzomor

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