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Linear Differential Equations Solving using opamp

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Full Member level 3
Mar 25, 2006
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op amp differential equation


can you help me. Give me a circuit diagram using opamps and passive elements to solve for v(t)

d³v/dt³ + 2 d²v/dt² - 4 dv/dt + 2v = U(t)

where, the voltage U(t) is given though some generator.

initial conditions given:
v(t=0) = 0;
dv(t=0)/dt = -2
d²v/dt² = 3, at t=0

differential equations opamp

Maybe you can transform this time-domain differential equation to Laplace s-domain to obtain the system transfer function,ie.
Now,the task you should carry out is to design a system to realize this TF using avtive circuits.
Best regards!


    Points: 2
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solving state-space differential equation

can you give me any example/tutorial for implementing such a circuit?

differential equations in op amp

find urself a linear ciruit analysis textbook

differential euation solve by opamp

you should make integrator, adder, subtract circuits from opamps.

differential equations in operational amplifiers

leohart said:
find urself a linear ciruit analysis textbook
ha ha very funny,
I have Hayt Kemmerly Durbin, Boylstad, Coughlin and Driscol

opamp solving equation

I think you have to do it with integrators, since differentiations are non-causal (i.e. you can't compute the derivative in real-time). If you can set the initial conditions, and have 3 integrators, it seems like it should be achievable. You should look up some books on analog computers
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    Points: 2
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op-amp laplace

Find something about analog computers. This is a very old story and well-known in 60s.

circuit solving using 741

you should make a state space realization of this differential equation. With his relization you can implement it using only integrators , adders and inverting amplifiers. That's all.

I send you a brief notes about analog computation. I recomend a book for more insigth of this topic. The book is linear systems by Kailath.
find differential equation op amp

very interesting!!

op amp differential equations

one of analog filter technic is state equation that can be implemented using opamp, but you must transform tour equation into state space equation i think

state space op amp

switching capacitor circuit can easily abtain this function.

draw an op-amp circuit diagram for state space

hey take laplace transform of the equation ... u ll get s domain equation ...this eqation u write in std for n draw the coressponding passive component like capacitor for 1/s...etc u ll get idea of how circuit looks like..

how to model an op amp in s domain

ah, how can I download that book <Fundamentals of the analog computer circuits, technology, and simulation>, I am interested in the idea of analog computation...

how to solve differential equation using op amp

Just click on the "free mirror" option.

Re: op amp differential equation

try this document


  • lab-53.pdf
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