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electronic engineering softwares under LINUX

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Full Member level 5
Jan 9, 2007
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electronics engineering + simulation + linux


Please recommend electronic & communication engineering softwares under Linux environment.


electronics softwares

You just search for GCC compiler for ARM embedded processor and AVR processor,but you should familer with little on AVR and ARM processor.


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best linux for electronic engineering

thank you harii74

i'm gonna click your "helped me" button

Is there any Linux based circuit simulation environment like Pspice, Orcad or EWB in Windows ?


linux for electronic engineering

You just down load AVR architecture material , ok go through it.Down load some free downloadable AVR assembler , type your code in assembler then assemble it run it.Once you succeed. Then try for some free compiler for AVR type C code and get succeed. Once if you thorough then you start GCC compiler in linux.

Still you have confussion i send you some basic program.


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    Points: 2
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linux electronic lab distro

thank you both biglacko1 & harii74 for your comments

i'll visit those links


importance of wine un the engineering field

Orcad PSPICE 9.2 Lite Works fine for me under Wine (using Ubuntu). There are other SPICE and SPICE-like environments for Linux such as Spice+, ngSpice and Oregano


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linux distribution electronics simulation

KTechLab is an Open Source Intergated Design Environment (IDE) for electronic and PIC microcontroller circuit design and simulation.

arm & ktechlab

AVOCAD CAD system:
AVOCapture- design environment
AVOSpice- simulation module
AVOProbe- waveform postprocessor
AVOLayout - layout editor

This EDA system is meant for design of VLSI circuits like PLL, DAC, ADC at the transistor level and works under OS Linux.

Trial and academic versions are available for free:
**broken link removed**

linux electric engineering

free and opensource

linux communications engineering

FYI, Go to "Package manager" and then search with "electronics". You can find lot of tools already available related with electronics in your distro. This is one of the way you can install the tools easily for newbies.

electronics engineering and linux

Is there any open source program to analyze microstrip antennas??


electronic engineering linux

Fedora Electronic Lab

Fedora's Electronic Laboratory is dedicated to supporting the innovation and development brought by opensource Electronic Design Automation (EDA) community.

Fedora Electronic Laboratory provides a complete electronic laboratory setup with reliable open source design tools in order to meet one's requirements to keep one in pace with current technological race.


Main Highlights

"Fedora Electronic Lab" targets mainly the Micro-Nano Electronic Engineering field. It introduces:

* a collection of Perl modules to extend Verilog and VHDL support.
* tools for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Design Flow process.
* extra standard cell libraries supporting a feature size of 0.13µm. (more than 300 MB)
* extracted spice decks which can be simulated with gnucap/ngspice or any spice simulators.
* interoperability between various packages in order to achieve different design flows.
* tools for embedded design and to provide support for ARM as a secondary architecture in Fedora.

electronics engineering apps for linux

Also look at the appropriate section of 'Scientific Applications on Linux'
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    Points: 2
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gcc maxq

Wow i never knew about the fedora EDA sw .. This circuit design sw is very good for learning ..

electronic engineering programs on linux

equivalent said:
Also look at the appropriate section of 'Scientific Applications on Linux'
**broken link removed**

thank you equivalent for the link. there is a huge list of linux based Electrical softwares in the link you've mentioned:

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electronic engineer linux

Rowley make IDEs that run natively on Linux for all ARM processors, eight bit AVRs, TI's MSP430 and Maxim's Max Q. Not open source, but very good, fast, lightweight IDEs. I have used them for several years now and they are excellent.

Altera have a Linux version of their FPGA design tools.

kdevelop is very good for wriing GUI apps and there are numerous other languages such as Python and Perl available on Linux.

Eagle, again, not open source, have a CAD system I have never tried.

It's getting better all the time for us Linux users!

TOSS: A free/open project inspired and powered by Ubuntu

TOSS is a project developed at Computer Science and Engineering Department of Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. The core of Ubuntu has been retained with minimal changes to the default Ubuntu Kernel enabling users to retain its more popular and useful features while giving you a completely different look and feel.

TOSS is mainly aimed at Engineers and engineering application developers.Apart from the excellent GUI and eye candy that TOSS offers, its other main scoring point is the variety of engineering software that it supports.By default TOSS has the following software pre-installed.

gEDA - An ECAD (electronic CAD) or EDA (electronic design automation) application suite. gEDA is mostly oriented towards printed circuit board design (as opposed to integrated circuit design).

Xcircuit -A generic drawing program tailored for making circuit diagrams.The graphical interface attempts to maintain consistency between X11 window rendering and the pure PostScript output.xcircuit is mouse, menu and keyboard driven. The emphasis is on single character macros.

NASM - The Netwide Assembler is 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity.NASM is an 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity. The project supports a range of object file formats including Linux a.out and ELF, COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will also output plain binary files.

Kicad - An open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.Kicad is a set of four softwares and a project manager.With the project manager, Kicad, you can choose or create a project and launch Eeschema, Pcbnew.This electronic workbench is free of charges and is open source (GPL). It is useful for everybody working in electronic design (schematic diagrams and Printed Board up to 16 layers).

QCAD - A multi-platform 2D CAD system.It is aimed at mechanical engineers as an alternative for non-free CAD systems presently in use by them.The interface is user-friendly and highly useful for technical and engineering use.

Electric - Electrical CAD system.Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including custom IC layout (ASICs), schematic drawing, hardware description language specifications, and electro-mechanical hybrid layout.

KLogic - An application for building and simulating digital circuits easily.It provides an easy way for building circuits containing standard components like AND, OR, XOR and flipflops like RS and JK. In order to build more complex, more structured and reuseable circuits, sub circuits can be used.The simulation is running permanently per default while building your circuits.Specially available features include Single stepping simulation , Karnaugh graphical analysis method ,Signal flow of components, a tuneable delay.

KTechlab - Open source electronic design automation software. It supports real-time electronics simulation and PIC microcontroller debugging.

Compilers and Interpreters - For software engineers, we have the standard gcc compiler for C , g++ for C++, gcj compiler and java interpreter for Java, Perl and Python interpreters built in.

Apart from these, for day-to day use we have Firefox web browser,VLC media player,Rhythmbox audio player,Kopete IM client,Picasa image viewer,Google desktop search and much,much more!

Download link:

Download TOSS 2.0 for Linux - A free/open project inspired and powered by Ubuntu - Softpedia

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