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Interfacing Bluetooth USB Dongle with Microcontroller

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Dec 21, 2005
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bluetooth microcontroller

Do anyone know How to interface Bluetooth USB Dongle(which is easily available for PC) with Microcontrollers?
coz these Dongles r easily available n cheaper than Bluetooth module so if its possible to interface with ucs than it becomes cheaper Bluetooth embedded solution.

microcontroller bluetooth

Anyone has use a Bluecore module (as the modules from blueexpert? )...

bluetooth module microcontroller


This is really very interesting, provocative topic and worths to further readings instead of so boring and tiresome "Which is better PIC or AVR ?".
Let's guy.. Post some ideas, experiences and links if you already have...


microcontroller with bluetooth


I guess it is an interesting subject, but I'm unsure what exactly youa re asking for. A 'UBluetooth' USB dongle requires a 'host' USB interface, and as far as I'm aware, the USB peripheral in the 18F USB compliant series is incapable of 'hosting'. I believe cypress have USB host chips relatively cheap, and would be easy to interface with a micro.

Saying that, there are plenty of cheap bluetooth modules, that do NOT have a USB interface, but use a UART or SPI instead, this would negate the need for a USB interface, bypass it completely and would be a whole lot easier to interface to any micro, PIC, AVR or otherwise. They are even cheaper than existing USB bluetooth modules.

More specific question = more specific answer.


bluetooth interfacing with microcontroller

You can use one of the following PIC's to communicate with the BLuetooth module via USB:

Or, You can build a converter from RS232 to USB.

Hope this helps.

bluetooth interface with microcontroller

seadolphine2000 said:
You can use one of the following PIC's to communicate with the BLuetooth module via USB:

Or, You can build a converter from RS232 to USB.

Hope this helps.

These PICs have USB Host controller ???

pic bluetooth usb


USB is a "master-slave" bus with exactly one master and multiple slaves.
The slaves are called peripherals. The master is called a host. Only the
host can initiate USB transfers; the peripherals always respond, never
initiate. A PC is the most common host.

Unfortunately, Microchip's microcontollers which are equipped either low speed or
high speed USB are all peripherals. (Not host)

At the other hand, It is a truth that Bluetooth USB dongles which is easily
available in market need a host USB for proper operation. They are developed
to bringing Bluetooth ability to the PCs which is not having it.

If we want to have an USB Host with equipped bluetooth within our embedded system,
Cypress is offering some embedded USB hosts.
Another alternative is to use Maxim's MAX3421E stand-alone USB Host/Peripheral ICs.


bluetooth dongle microcontroller

Unfortunately, Microchip's microcontollers which are equipped either low speed or
high speed USB are all peripherals. (Not host)

I want to connect one of the microcontrollers mentioned above to a USB Bluetooth module so I can communicate with the cell phone.
Do you mean that I can't use this connection?
i.e: I can't connect the Bluetooth module to the MCU to communicate with the cell phone.

Please, Help as it's very important to me.

Thanks in advance.

bluetooth dongle spi

No, you can. But using of a Microchip microcontroller which is having
embedded USB peripheral subsystem is useless.

You can use any Microchip's 18F.. series microcontroller with or without
embedded USB subsystem. Just you have to change your USB subsystem with
Maxim's MAX3421E USB Host Controller or similar IC from different vendor.

Visit the following link..
**broken link removed**


microchip pic bluetooth am I understanding this discussion correctly?

The reason that the existing Bluetooth modules are not desired for this case is that it is too expensive. (>50 dollars)

So, we want to use USB dongle (which is less than 10 USD) to enable uC to communicate through.

So, in order to do that, we need to "host" USB, so we need MAX3421E.

But all in all, is the second method with an extra IC still cheaper (in terms of design, labor, material, etec) than existing Bluetooth modules?

microcontroller and bluetooth


Attached here is a photo that is taken from the MAX3421E datasheet shows the connection between the MAX3421E and the uC.

Should the uC uesd in the photo have a USB interface? or I can use a regular PIC like PIC16F877 and the MAX3421E will interface between the uC and Bluetooth module.?

Thanks very much guys for all your help.
bluetooth with microcontroller


For MAX 3421E to work with uC, you need to have a uc-USB interface within the UC

microcontroller for bluetooth

Host is not a problem as it can be attached to micro . But driver has to be written for particular dongle and dongle programming mapping between usb and bluetooth chip registers must be available . I suppose it is not standardized.

bluetooth and microcontroller


Host is not a problem as it can be attached to micro . But driver has to be written for particular dongle and dongle programming mapping between usb and bluetooth chip registers must be available . I suppose it is not standardized.

Do you mean that the Bluetooth dongle driver need to be included to the PIC code?
If yes, Can I convert the driver existed on the cd to a hex file and then download it to the MCU? Or, Should I write it by myself.?

Thanks guys very much for all your help. I really appreciate that.

vinculum bluetooth

Hi MathGeek,

As for me, the main reason is not cost price of embedded bluetooth
modules. The main reason is availability.. You can easlily find and buy an
USB bluetooth dongle in nearest computer shop withal great choices.

Secondly, regularity.. I think they will be permanent in the market
because of generality of portable equipments like mobile phones, PDAs,
Notebooks, cameras etc.

Thirdly, they have universal interface port. It is USB. If you have
an already designed a reliable USB host in your embedded system, either
use it as bare USB port or equip with that dongle and provide cable-free
possibility to communicate other bluetooth devices.. Instead of a lot
of pin allocation of embedded bluetooth modules, dongles need an USB
port that aready you have.

You are right for extra cost of time and money at first desing and
evaluation period.. But it is only one time bother. For a bulk
production MAX3421E or similar IC costs less than $4-5 and does not
cause over cost price.


seadolphine2000 said:
Do you mean that the Bluetooth dongle driver need to be included to the PIC code?
If yes, Can I convert the driver existed on the cd to a hex file and then download it to the MCU? Or, Should I write it by myself.?

you cant make hex of intel binary and load it into pic - machine opcodes are completely different. Yet not only hardware driver but protocol related part must be added as well. There is list of bluetooth modules : .

There are few books on EDA book section . Also iar has IAR_makeap containing ready to use sources for bluetooth.
my advice wont be much helpful as i have never worked with bluetooth , so it would be nice to have some pointers from people with bluetooth implementation experience.
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