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communication graduation project

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Sep 19, 2006
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communication graduation projects

hi everyone,

i am new to this wonderful forum and i love it ....

anyway , i hope anyone could help me with an idea for my graduation project ...

i want to do the project in the field of communication .... i have some background knowledge on GSM and CDMA .... and i am willing to proceed in this field ....

so any ideas people ? ..... i would be thankful for any ....

Work in Interleave division multiple access (IDMA) the upgraded version of CDMA.
graduation projects in communication

i dunno .... i dont wanna work on something that is still immature ..... i guess i wont find enough info on such a thing

wimax graduation projects

I think you have two aproches in your project ......
1- Working in networking as :WiFI then WIMax
2- Working in Mobile Communication as WCDMA or UMTS
the new and good approch is to work on both as the 4G in WiMax as in WiMax there is new protocol called 802.16e which is uses WiMax technology in Mobile communication .
overall there are basics that you have to study before going in any field .....
I have many resourses about it so fell free to ask for any thing you want......


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communications graduation projects

hi mazen its pleasure to send me more details

i`m mahmoud and i`m new member and on my way for graduation project

and this is the area i`m interested in

thanks in advance

graduation project in communication

i can make project in wifi then wimax

gsm graduation projects

anyone has an idea how to implement the hardware of a gsm jammer in the 1800 band of gsm? info is available for the 900 one but not for 1800!!

graduation projects communication

Thanx for the Useful Project Document.

Best Regards.

graduation project communication

There is no much diference in implementing GSM 900 or GSM 1800 jammer,,difference lies just in the downlink frequency of bot band s which u have to take care about. Just use VCO IC which has output frequency equal to downlink frequency of 1800 band.
IC is CVCO55BE;The output frequency is 1785-1900 MHz.
If this IC is avaiable in Pakistan tell me.

Added after 7 minutes:

HI, I am implmenting dual band GSM jammer,GSM 900 and GSM 1800.
But i have the problem in the RF section, i am not able to find the VCO ICs. ICs are
CVCO55BE; this is for GSM 1800. The output frequency is 1785-1900 MHz and the output
power is up to 5 dBm.
CVCO55CL; this is for GSM 900. The output frequency is 925-970 MHz and the output
power is up to 8 dBm.
plz tell me any replacement plz it is very urgent i am waiting.Thanks

graduatio project for communivation

if you have basic of CDMA then WCDMA planning and optimization is good idea.

communications graduations projects

Plz help me,,anyone from pakistan made project on Cell phone jammer.

graduation projects in the field of communication

CVCO55BE; CVCO55CL; are not available in pak they`ll hav 2 b imported from farnell. but do they do the job rite?

communications graduation project

Ya they do job rite,,,,but now wt to do now??
any replacement 4 these ICs,,,or u know any other IC like this available in PAK??

graduation project for communication

vco ics are not available in pakistan 4 sure as they are not made in pak. u will have to import dem from farnell or mouser online.

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