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Wireless remote controller

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May 6, 2005
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I need wireless remote controller for a winch.
Controller should be battery powered and handheld with two buttons labelled Up and Down. Receiver can be supplied of 24Vdc max0.1A from variable speed drive and should have 2 relays one for each function. It should shorten Up input to 24V when Up button on the controller is pressed and Down input to 24V when Down button is pressed but should not allow activation of both inputs when both buttons are pressed. Range <25m.
Any ideas are appreciated. DrWho.

zw3100 datasheet

I think the easiest way to go is to employ PICXAE-08 microcontroller and El-cheapo RF modules, such as ZW-3100 (Tx) and ZW-3102(Rx) ..

Some time ago you enquired about wireless temperature measurement ..

This project, conceptually speaking, is not much different to the other - just remove the temperature sensor and wire two buttons to any available pins that can be defined as inputs ..
As far as the transmitter (PICAXE-08 and ZW-3100) power requirement is concerned it will happily work of 3 x AAA batteries ..

The receiver part (another PICAXE-08 and ZW3102) will require a step-down (linear or switching) voltage regulator to reduce 24V to 5V, two transistors to drive two ralays and two relays ..
Usually the control inputs of VSDs sink/source very low currents - almost volltage control - so the smaller relays you select the less space they will occupy ..

Try to "digest" all what I have suggested and if you need more help just come back and ask ..



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Hi IanP
Actually I was thinking about PICAXE but wasn't sure if this can be done having only one way RF link without feedback.
Do you think it will work?


If the datarates required is not too high (which seems to be the case) you could look into using zigbee tranciever ICs. They have feedback and interfacing in simple (SPI)



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picaxe 08m watchdog timer

The story is almost the same as with a TV remote controller: the feedback are your eyes ..

The difference would be in the way a command is sent ..
You need to start each command with a weak-up sequence (01010101 = 85d = 55h) followed by, for example, a "1" for UP, a "2" for DOWN and repeat sending this sequence for as long as a button is pressed ..
Then, when a button is released sand a "0" for STOP, and this can be repeated for several times to make sure that the receiver accepted that command, but you will see (eye feedback) what is happening ..
Here is an example of a string (UP button pressed then released)

55h, 01h .. 1-10ms .. 55h, 01h .. 1-10ms .. 55h, 01h .. button released .. 55h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h

At the receiver end you need to add a timer (software or hardware) so if a "0" command is not received, or no other command is read, after, say > 1-10ms it will set "L" to both outputs .. This timer can be restarted on the acceptance of a new valid command ..



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picaxe 08m rf

I build this circuit using 2 PICAXE08M and 434Mhz TX and RX modules.
It is working but there are several problems.
Here is my code:

Trensmitter -
if pin1=0 then up
if pin2=0 then down
serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
pause 100
goto main
serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
pause 10
goto main
serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
pause 10
goto main

Receiver -
serin 1,n300,b1
if b1=1 then up
if b1=2 then down
low 4
low 2
goto rx
high 4
low 2
pause 10
goto rx
low 4
high 2
pause 10
goto rx

Main problem is that if receiver does not receive "0" command the winch will not stop!!!
Another problem is that the outputs (2 and 4) when active are not "H" but it is a square wave and both relays are on and off and on and off. Outputs drive relays through resistors and NPN transistors. I need one of outputs to be "H" (not pulsing) when one of buttons is pressed.


Oh, Dear !!!
Why don't you use CODE option ???

Anyhow, the good news is that something works !!!
At least you have working RF link and the receiver "listens" to the transmitter ..

At this stage I wouldn't worry much about "pulses" on outputs .. This should be relatively easy to address by "playing" with numbers in PAUSE commands, or by adding capacitor(s) between relays' contacts ..

Let's concentrate on the STOP issue ..
As I mentioned before, you need a timer that will reset both outputs if a '0' command is received or if no transmission is present .. This timer should set the outputs LOW within, say, 100-500ms ..
I suggest the DS1232 micromonitor chip ..
Here is why:
First, a precision temperature-compensated reference and comparator circuit monitors the status of VCC. When an out-of-tolerance condition occurs, an internal power fail signal is generated which forces reset to the active state. When VCC returns to an in-tolerance condition, the reset signals are kept in the active state for a minimum of 250 ms to allow the power supply and processor to stabilize.
The second function the DS1232 performs is pushbutton reset control. The DS1232 debounces the pushbutton input and guarantees an active reset pulse width of 250 ms minimum. The third function is a watchdog timer. The DS1232 has an internal timer that forces the reset signals to the active state if the strobe input is not driven low prior to timeout. The watchdog timer function can be set to operate on
timeout settings of approximately 150 ms, 600 ms, and 1.2 seconds.
**broken link removed**
Only functions one and three are of our interest - especially the watchdog timer option ..
You can connect OUT-0 (pin7) of the PICAXE-08M to ST (strobe input - pin7) of the DS1232, and RST (pin 5) of the DS1232 to IN-3 (pin 4) of the PICAXE-08M ..
Then connect Pin2 (TD-TimeDelay) of the DS1232 to 0V for 150ms delay (see data sheet for other options) ..
Here is how it should work:
Each time the PICAXE-08M sends a pulse from OUT-0 to the ST pin of the DS1232 the RST pin stays LOW for at least 150ms .. However, if there is no pulse for >150ms the RST pin goes HIGH .. This transition will be sensed on pin 4 (IN-3) by the PICAXE and it will immediately reset both outputs: OUT-2 and OUT-4 ..

Of course you can decide to choose different watchdog timer IC but the principle will remain the same ..

Here is the "modified" receiver's code:


	setint %00001000,%00001000	' activate H-interrupt on In3

rx:					' receiving routine
	pulsout 0, 10
	serin 1,n300,b1			' awaits b1 data ..

	if b1 = 1 then up
	if b1 = 2 then down
	low 4
	low 2
	goto rx

	high 4
	low 2
	pause 17
	goto rx

	low 4
	high 2
	pause 17
	goto rx

	low 4 				' switch output 4 off
	low 2				' switch output 2 off
	setint %00001000,%00001000	' re-activate interrupt
	return 				' return from sub




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OK. I will buy DS1232.

out data picaxe 08m pins b0

With the watchdog timer function implemented in the receiver you can modify the transmitters' code, so it doesn't sent the '0' cammand again and again - this should extend the remote's battery life span ..

	b0 = 0
	b1 = 0

	if pin1 = 0 then up
	if pin2 = 0 then down

	If b0 = 1 then main
	b0 = 1
	b1 = 0
	serout 4,n300,(85,b1,b1,b1,b1)
	pause 10

	goto main

	b1 = 1
	serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
	b0 = 0
	pause 10
	goto main

	b1 = 2
	serout 4,n300,(85,b1)
	b0 = 0
	pause 10
	goto main




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zw3102 receiving

I tested this circuit on breadboards and all is working OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I will use stripboards.
Thank you very much.

rx/tx modules for picaxe 08m

Sometimes if a car remote controller is in use to close to receiver it activates DOWN function but it has happened onec or twice so far and does not cause problems.

jaycar zw-31 02

Well done, mate, ...... ,well done ..

If the problem with cars' remote controllers persists, just add an additional string to the SEROUT and SERIN commands ..
This should 'filter out' unwanted entries ..
For example, instead of transmitting (85,b1) you can transmit (85,"abc", b1) ..



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wireless remote variable speed drive

I know this is quite an old topic, but I recently purchased these 433MHz wireless modules (ZW3100 and ZW3102) and the datasheets are rubbish. How do you use these modules?? What external componentry do you have to use on each module? Can you send a picaxe pin state via these things (e.g. connect the DATA pin to the picaxe's output, and an LED to the RX DATA pin?), or do they need that %1010101 on the front, with bursts of serial data?

Thanks for any reply

wireless remote controller

Hey Bud,

I'm using two PICAXE 08M chips in the AXE092K school experimenter board, with the ZW3100tx and ZW3102rx chips from Jaycar.

I am powering the ZW3100/2 modules off experimenter board. works well.

jaycar zw-3100

Kamilan said:
Hey Bud,

I'm using two PICAXE 08M chips in the AXE092K school experimenter board, with the ZW3100tx and ZW3102rx chips from Jaycar.

I am powering the ZW3100/2 modules off experimenter board. works well.

Sweet. Good to see you have it working. Would you be able to explain how you got it going? Could you include some code? Did you need an aerial for it? What data rate did you use?

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