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Infrared remote control interface

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Full Member level 3
Oct 28, 2005
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samsung tv remote is rc5 code???

I want to control my embedded system by infrared remote controller (any commercially available universal or specific remote controller). But I have no idea on remote controller protocol or IR.

Now where should I start?
Please suggest me and send me links related to this.

samsung remote control ir protocol

control my embedded system by infrared remote controller

Check the following articles if you have access to Elektor Electronics Archive from the public libaray:

IR Remote Control Codes (I) & (II), Elektor Electronics 3/2001 and 4/2001

This article covers RC5 code, SONY code, RECS80, NEC, DENON, MOTOROLA, JAPANESE code, Samsung, and Daewoo code.

IR Code Analyser, Elektor Electronics 10/2001. This article teaches you the way to build a remote control codes decoder!

Multi-Standard Infrared Receiver, Elektor Electronics 4/2002.

Mind you, if you just want to control a single type of appliance, there is no need to do thing as complicated as a universal remote control IR signal decoder as mentioned above. Just get a IR transceiver chip like Tosihba TC9148P will be good enough.

Attached find the data sheet for TC9148P.

Or, get a commercial decoder chip like my stuff.
C0168 UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL IC WITH LEARNING FUNCTION, details please refer to my web at>Components->Universal remote control IC.

John Leung

carrier of 38khz+samsung

Thanks for the replies.
But how will I interface IR detector to the Microcontroller (8051 or pic)?

Someone was saying that I have to detect the infrared signal from the remote using serial port. Is that necessary? Then how will be the detector circuit? and can serial port detect the actual key values of remote control?

Please refer me few sample projects with codes.

Thanks again.
ir emitter pwm pic

Someone was saying that I have to detect the infrared signal from the remote using serial port. Is that necessary?

NO, the simplest connection is to use an IR LED, connected to PORTC2 of a PIC like 16F877a for the transmitter side. RC2 because it is a PWM output via suitable config. PWM required because we want to modulate the signal to 38kHz carrier frequency.

Then, signal IR signal of the protocol you want. For example, we send a header of 1.2ms of signal high, then low for 0.6ms as a header. When the signal is "high", it is not a simple +5V high. Instead, it is a modulated signal of 38kHz. This signal differentiate itself from ambient Infra-red signal.

After sending the header, we may send the body of the communication protocol. It depends if you want standard protocol like SONY protocol or you may even define a "fireball" protocol of your own!

I have some working code in the past. Let me dig it up and let and see....

At the time being, just do a search in google for the key words "SONY IR signal", "PIC", or "8051", SONY code, etc. you will find a lot.

avr samsung remote control decoder

Thanks again Techtoys for your response :)

NO, the simplest connection is to use an IR LED, connected to PORTC2 of a PIC like 16F877a for the transmitter side. RC2 because it is a PWM output via suitable config. PWM required because we want to modulate the signal to 38kHz carrier frequency.

I guess you misunderstood me. I have a universal or sony remote. So I dont need IR led. Rather I need an IR receiver to interface with microcontroller to detect the signal from that remote. But thanks for explaining. Because I got the idea of the signal behavior.

So, when I want to detect the signal then how should I think? And what should I do?

Your codes would be helpful to me. Please upload those codes (if you are not that busy and if you can find those out).

Please send me few links and circuit on interfacing the detector with microcontroller.

Thanks a lot.

infrared-rc5 interface elektor

**broken link removed** may be useful.

The output pin of the IR receiver module can be wired to Pin B0 of a PIC for detection of a H-L transition and then timing the pulse width by Timer for decoding.

infrared code samsung

Ah! The last link is simply great and very much useful for me. Thanks a lot!

Please tell me one more thing. If I simply send IR signal and receive without modulating (to check the inturrupt only). then how would I interface those IR emitter and receiver with microcontroller?

I think I need to add the IR emitter with PWM and send 38 KHz fixed signal as you described before. But the detector? Can I simply add that with A/D just to check the inturrupt? Or something else I need to do?

ir sony decoder protocol

Take a look at the attached picture ..
It shows how PICAXE (PIC-based) microcontroller reads remote controllers ..


ir 8051 nec code


can somebody explain how to use the usart to detect the ir signal!
Which IC could be used?

samsung tv ir remote control code

Hi, Don't . Better use an interrupt pin together with an internal timer. simply time the time between interrupt for 1 and 0 decoding.


ir led interface to a pic

Basically u have to decode the remote using embedded system. See the one for aVR micrcontroller
**broken link removed**

Bibin John

detect serial infrared

I generate several software PWMs. So I think I have not enough time to decode one ir message without interruption of the pwm generation. I think it is better to use the usart to decode a ir signal because it is buffered an don´t disturbe the pwm generation in the main loop.

samsung remote decoder ic circuit

Hi, Don't . Better use an interrupt pin together with an internal timer. simply time the time between interrupt for 1 and 0 decoding.


I didn't understand what you mean. Because how can I use timer and interrupt for each pulse?

Please explain.
Thnaks a lot.

recs-80 pic ir

Hi, Correct.

You generate the pulses by delay routines and detect them by interrupt and counting the time between two interrupts with an internal timer. This way you can do other processing jobs between the receiving of IR pulses.


ir nec codes samsung

PaulHolland said:
You generate the pulses by delay routines and detect them by interrupt and counting the time between two interrupts with an internal timer. This way you can do other processing jobs between the receiving of IR pulses.

Use this, and look up Sony IR on Google for links like this:

**broken link removed**

Long start pulse, and easily differentiated 1s and 0s. One of the earliest protocols and easy to learn on. Get that working first and then move on to RC-5 etc if you need it..

It's very easy for interrupts too. 0 length timing enters a 0 bit, 1 length enters a 1. 2.4ms+- indicates a start pulse to reset the bit counting looking for a valid code, and anything really long just resets the code and makes it look only for a 2.4ms start pulse.

Most of the other formats for IR are a little more complex, this is all the same direction pulses just longer or shorter.


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