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Zero crossing detection

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Jun 29, 2004
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Buenos Aires - Argentina
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zero crossing pc814

Using a 18F452, I was planning to measure basic things in a 380 V tri phase system (basically V and I) to calculate power, besides frequency and eventually cos fi.

Obviously, I have experimented with different zero crossing circuits. But when I was about to start implementig it, my friend, who really knows a lot about, told me that nowadays, even zero crossing detection for V or I is made using no external hardware after the current transformers and eventually some simple filters. Just with micros.

How is that possible? I recall reading something about using the Schmit trigger in the inputs. Am I right? Got the feeling that the value obtained is not reliable, isn't it?

O should I do that in software? This last, seems to me, means continuous ADC conversions and testing with the inherent tremendous software overhead required for at least four (VR, IR, IS, IT) parameters.

In other forum I recall somebody advising to make a previous absolute value rectification to take advantage of the 10-bits resolution on the 0 - Vpk always positive range.

Yes, too many unknowns but once solved zero crossing detection and "absolute value yes or no" I think I could start experimenting.

Any concrete ideas? Gracias for any help.

PD: Just in case, I googled for months about, with no concrete details on the zero crossing with a micro only.

pc814 zero cross

Zero crossing detectors can be implemented in many ways, with galvanic isolation, or i small applications, without any isolation ..
Here is one example, where the external INT(errupt) pin is connected (through a resistor) directly to the ACTIVE mains rail .. see picture below ..
Application Example This application note shows the user how to implement a zero cross detector with a minimum of external components. It should be noted that this solution will not give any galvanic isolation for the microcontroller against the AC mains. The zero cross sense resistor can be a way for electronic noise to get into the system.
In the rest of this publicatin you will find valiable information on implementing zero crossing detection in microcontroller circuits ..



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zero crossing detection+ avr

Hi atferrari
Have you read these papers from MChip?

A word of caution.
It is good design to use two metal film input resistiors in series in the live line especially where you have a mains supply of 220v~240v (Europe for the following reasons:

a) most small 0.25W resistors do not have 240vac rating.
b) most common failure mode of resitors is open circuit so they act as a fuses.
c) the probability of two series resistors failing short circuit is very very small.
d) power dissipation is 50% per resistor.

regards ... Polymath


    Points: 2
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ade7754 zero crossing


Thanks to you both.

It seems that the AVR's AN is the most complete I run across up to now.


pc814 zero detection circuits

i want to use a similiar circuit for zero crossing as in the atmel apllication.. here i attach a schematic which i want to use ? i also want to add an ac isolator maybe PC814. how do i incorporate it into this schematic ? wat should the value of Ry and Rx be ??


zero crossing detection galvanic

Dear atferrari,

If cost is not a matter for you, try the ADE7754 chip. You have to just communicate with that IC to get the power(active, reactive and apparent), Power Factor (cos phi), voltages and currents etc.

I think using the above IC, your design time will reduce but the main drawbacks are Power Consumption of ASIC (ADE7754) and design cost.

(Instead of 18f, you can use any lower end micro to reduce design cost)

Go through the following web page for more details.,2877,ADE7754,00.html

Thanking you.


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