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speech recognition to control a robotic car...

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voice recognition robotic car

my final yeard project.. i need to create a robotic car that using my voice to control it.... such as i give a voice command "turn left" then the car will turn left and " speed up" so the car will increase the movement there away to apply using PIC....
can i use 2 PIC to do that because one is for the voice recognition another one is for the movement of robotic car.....
is possible to do this??

sorry because my english is weak....

pic based voice recognation robotic car

hello friend,
yours project isvery good . but sorry to say that you just can't use a pic for that as it need a voice recognization you have to go for a dsp.

o.k. al the best

voice recognized robotic car

use dsp for the speech recognition..and the PIC is for the movement of robotic car?
except dsp, matlab can be use??
any microcontroller can use for the speech recognition??
anyone know pls tell me...
gip me some guidance please....
because i'm weak in DSP...

speech recognition module

It can be a sensory technology project. Search for a simple module from sensory Inc to see.


voice recgonition of a robotic car

the project sounds very good
my opinion is to use two processors for speech rec and controll
and it all depends on the sensors and the software.if u need to make it much perfect, u may have to use dsp insted of pic for speech rec as it will be more accurate.sppech rec with pic sounds a little difficult,bit is not impossible




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voice controlled robotic car

if i use dsp for the speech recognition, is possible the dsp interrelate with the pic tat i use it to control my robotic car??


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voice operated robot car

The VoiceDirect 364 speech recognition module
from Sensory Inc. will make easy work of your
project. I don't see it in their current offerings - it
may have been discontinued/replaced by another
similar module.

**broken link removed**

Do a Google search for "VoiceDirect 364" and you'll
find lots of examples. Here is one:

**broken link removed**

Good luck with your project.


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voice recognition robotic car by fpga


Microchip can solve your problems :)
They have speech recognition library for the dsPIC30 and dsPIC33. They contain only 100 most ocmmon words and in US english only. You can buy for $5 the code sample, or maybe get it for free.
You can use 1 dsPIC to control the robot and to do the voice recognition without any problem. Because you will not need to use the DSP to control the car, all the other code you write just like any other PIC from the microchip famely.
For more information, got to the microchip webs ite and see what library they have for the dsPIC.

Good luck.


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how to make voice recognition robotic car

dspic also a part of pic microcontroller???


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voice recognition robotic car

someone can tell me pls????


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