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How to simulate the input-offset voltage ????

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Dec 3, 2005
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input referred offset

How to simulate the input-offset voltage and the systematic offset voltage of an op amp??

measuring input offset voltage

Put the Opamp in Open loop configuration and tie one of the inputs to bias level of VDD/2. To the inverting input, give another DC source and start sweeping the voltage till the ouput is at VDD/2. The input voltage will give input-offset/Systematic Offset Voltage. Make sure that you do very small increaments.

Another way to measure the systematic offset is to tie both the inputs to VDD/2 or some other comfortable bias level. Measure the output voltage. Now, input referred offset would be [Vo- (VDD/2)]/ DC gain of the amplifier

I hope that the point is clear
how to simulate input offset

Vamsi Mocherla said:
Put the Opamp in Open loop configuration and tie one of the inputs to bias level of VDD/2. To the inverting input, give another DC source and start sweeping the voltage till the ouput is at VDD/2. The input voltage will give input-offset/Systematic Offset Voltage. Make sure that you do very small increaments.

Another way to measure the systematic offset is to tie both the inputs to VDD/2 or some other comfortable bias level. Measure the output voltage. Now, input referred offset would be [Vo- (VDD/2)]/ DC gain of the amplifier

I hope that the point is clear


how to measure input offset voltage

that's ok.
another way:put the opa in unit gain configuration, sweeping the uninverting input, the output voltage is the offset voltage.

measuring input referred offset voltage

That's misunderstand. Normally the dominate input offset is not the system offset. you should use a monte carlo analysis to simulate the input offset due to the mismatch

simulate amplifier offset voltage

Vamsi Mocherla said:
Another way to measure the systematic offset is to tie both the inputs to VDD/2 or some other comfortable bias level. Measure the output voltage. Now, input referred offset would be [Vo- (VDD/2)]/ DC gain of the amplifier


I think that measuring the systematic offset at any convenient input bias won't be helpful - Systematic offset changes with the bias voltages in the situation your op-amp is put into. So, better will be to simulate the op-amp with its actuial stimulus and see the difference in its input signals. Makes sense?

I know this is an old thread, but would like to add few points for any novice designers:

We need to run monte carlo sims across worst case PVT to get "RANDOM" input referred offset.

For systematic offset (which is not random, but caused by bad design may be :roll: ), it will show up in typical PVT sims only.

For both random and systematic offset, I think sweeping input Vip across input CM range while Vin equal to VDD/2 (as mentioned above by some designer) is the best way I believe.

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