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12V dc to 220V ac transformerless inverter

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May 25, 2006
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transformerless inverter

This inverter is maded with IRFP150 mosfet transistors.

12v to 220v inverter pictures

FOr sure there is transformer within . Have a look to schematics .
transformerless inverters wiki

what do you mean "transformerless"?
Quit wasting time on this board!

inverter 220v transformerless

I never heard transformerless inverter. Every inverter contain atleast one xmer.
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12vdc to 220vac.pdf

HI Code Warrior,

I know how to make an inverter from 12V to 230 V AC without a transformer :)... Even Edison did !!.


PS: You don't know already ?.
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inverter transformerless

Motor + Dynamo/Alternator???

Used to be common, and works with DC. I have some *very* old books somewhere that talk about them. (Same series of books that descibe how to build a mechanical video camera and television!)

They were referred to, I belive, as Rotary Transformers

So it doesn't count :wink:


transformerless inverter ac

Your correct: A motor coupled to a generator :) This can be very very efficient 98.5% is possible. I know that in Europe and Russia there are some power lines that run 700Kv DC !! correct DC since the loss is smaller on very long lines. Lines that start to become close to 50Hz wavelength 1/8 L are behaving like large antenna's :) so they solved it by makiing DC but at the end of the line you have to go back to AC so they use a MOTOR .

high tension converter 12 v

PaulHollandm, could provide link to this 700 kV DC motor pictures or paper where it is mentioned?

transformerless wiki

PaulHolland said:
Hi Atem, Seems you don't believe me: Search google for HVDC. I did read it some 20 years ago in a book at school and could remember it since its very unusual.

Also check this link: h**p:// go to HVDC !!.


PaulHolland, I even dont believe to myself.

But this case is something different - i really never heard of 700 kV DC motoros and i am from one of the former USSR countries .

Your link led me to another wiki url
but still there is no link to HVDC 700 kV motors.

(added after while)
and this one

d.c invrter by wikipedia

Hi, I know but that is how they converted the high voltage back to AC in the early day's. Do not know if they still do this today. BTW: I found a link at google to newsealand they are building one 700kV link of 600 Km !!.. They do the convertion back to AC with semiconductors can you believe IT !!..

Do you know how the first transmitters back in the 1910 - 1915 worked ??.. I am talking about the days after the spark transmitters. They used generators that had a lot of coils and that made a 100Khz AC waveform that was put into the antenna !!!!!.. 100 - 400 KHz can you see that !.

Look at this link, maybe from your country :).. **broken link removed**

Believe it now ?


Added after 12 minutes:

Same additional likes: Machine Transmitters (AC Motors making 100KHz !!)

"This is transmitted through the 380 kV generator transformer block of the II and the 380kV-machine transformer of the motor-generator sets.""

transformerless 220v to 12v

PaulHolland said:
Hi, I know but that is how they converted the high voltage back to AC in the early day's. Do not know if they still do this today. BTW: I found a link at google to newsealand they are building one 700kV link of 600 Km !!.. They do the convertion back to AC with semiconductors can you believe IT !!..

Thank to your first post , i got that few hours before and of course i did not ask for that .)

PaulHolland said:
Look at this link, maybe from your country :).. h**p://

Believe it now ?

If you are about 550 and 850 kW - but that is watts not volts .
Lets clarify - i just wondered that there could be DC motors operating at 700 KV voltage . I was interrested in how do they (DC motors) work at that high voltage ?

BTW Paul, what i know - Romania is not and was not the former SU state.

how transformerless inverter work

Hi, Turkmenistan I think :).. Correct ??..

I know it was not really a part of USSR but kind of.

I did not mean KW but KV. I know the difference I hope, both feel painfull I can tell you !.

I had a link to a 380kV motor/generator set. I have been trying to find the old book but did not find it yet, it had a nice picture. I also don't have a clue how a 700kV DC motor would looklike, are you a motor expert ??. I am not. Had some practice, did some exams etc at University but that is all.


220vac transformerless led

I check the pdf file it contain transformer let us be sincere

transformerless 12v dc 220v ac inverter

380Kv That is High High High tension.
if that motor need to be disconected without CF6 Interrupt . I dont want to be near by.
If exist an motor that have enought isolation to use that tension.
I think maybe an mistake
Maybe exist some Transformer in the middle

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