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Problem with inverter 12V 3000w

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
May 10, 2006
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Hi from built Rosario.Ho a scheme inverter 12v-3000w that he/she introduces however' this defect: if the tension and' 13v are all right everything, if and' 12v the two leds him spengono.Per to make to work him/it I put a resistance 10k among the pin 8 and mass of the ic 4013. How can I resolve the problem without twisting the scheme?

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schema invertor 12

Your english is very difficult for me to understand .) But
as far as i understand you prevent IC 7 setting by putting resistor to ground .

Try to see what causes overload condition :
- battery current (measured on R20 by IC9)
- or no current or less than threshold current on output measured by R33 IC13 IC12 . This circuit works as - if load is enough (more than limit set by R33 ) IC 13 gives short pulses on output preventing C25 from charging and following switch of polarity of IC12 from positive to negative .

It seems that invertor wont work if no load (active ohmic resistance on output) or excessive battery current measured on R20 where schmith comparator threshold can be adjusted by resistors R14 R22 R12 and R11 .

If you want to allow more current on battery you can decrease R14 carefully and measure battery current at same time. If you need to work on less output current load - try to increase R33.


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Re: inverter 12 3000w

Hi I am still Rosary. I am Italian and to communicate in English use a computer translator. Excuse for the difficulties' that I create you! The important one and' that succeed in understanding us! The components that you have signalled me I already had them' made a will, I have retried without any risult still. The only valid change and' this: ic4013 pin8 resistance 18k among the pin8 mass and a varying resistance between 8 and encircled massa.Il it works among 5 and 9v, among 12e 13v don't work among 10 and 11v.Questo and' makes a will with professional feeder from laboratory. If I leave everything so' it is able' to work or will I provoke' damages?

inverter 12 3000w

What is value of negative voltage on D7 ?

Then do following measure :
- put load (which work on 8-9 and 12 -13 ) to output
- cut wire in point E marked bold
- switch invertor ON and
- report to us whether it works or not .

If it does not work when line E is cut measure and report here following :
voltage on IC9 pin 6
voltage on IC7 pin 8
voltage on point "C" (right side of r21 )

Added after 2 minutes:

BTW, does your translator supports some poetry ?))

"...I already had them' made a will,
I have retried without any risult still

Re: inverter 12 3000w

What is value of negative voltage on D7 ? it worrs 4v -
it doesn't work 0,05 +
Then do following measure :
- put load (which work on 8-9 and 12 -13 ) to output
- cut wire in point E marked bold it works well
- switch invertor ON and
- report to us whether it works or not . it worrs

If it does not work when line E is cut measure and report here following :
voltage on IC9 pin 6
voltage on IC7 pin 8 it worrs 0.005 - it doesnt' work 11 +
voltage on point "C" (right side of r21 ) tension next to the 0

Added after 2 minutes:
BTW, does your translator supports some poetry ?))

"...I already had them' made a will,
I have retried without any risult still

inverter 12 3000w

rosarios, i think it will be diffcult to speak through translator . But anyway i once will try to repeate my question :

Does invertor work, when you did cut E line ???

Re: inverter 12 3000w

An only thing not me and' chiara:Qual'e' the function is? Since' the contact is or attached or not the functionality' it doesn't change.. same thing for the interrupter on/off the function doesn't change
I have checked ic 13 there and' the waveform while to the exit of the d18 not there and'; it reappears on the ic12 pin 6 a lot of weak. Checked the components have not found that defective! Last domanda:qual'e' the function of the ic 12 and 13? Of protection or to stabilize the circuit electric current erogante?

inverter 12 3000w

rosarios, yes that is the point i asked you to check .

IC12 and IC13 are used to "Put invertor OFF when NO LOAD" .

LOAD or MINIMUM LOAD CURRENT is set by R33 and rest of circuitity IC13 Tr2 R34 R42 and 230V coil impedance....

Easy way to Decrease MINIMMUM LOAD CURRENT is :
D17 = ZPD5.1


R33 >= 0.2 Ohm

Added after 2 minutes:

rosarios , please find somebody to translate from italian to english - it is very hard for me to understand you .

inverter 12 3000w

R20 is having 4 wire connection is there resistor like that, ? do I do it

Re: inverter 12 3000w

yes, that's right

inverter 12 3000w

my inverter : input 48Vdc ,but output only 15Vac,how to increase output amplitude ,help me,thank very much!

inverter 12 3000w

what oscillating circuit are you using to genrate your clock pulse? does it have a feedback?

inverter 12 3000w

Wow, 3000W from 12V? That means the battery current will be 250amps!

inverter 12 3000w

High watts expectation from a 12v battery simply mean low backup time

Re: inverter 12 3000w

dude, you can't obtain good output of 3000W at 12V

you may need 36V at 100A

or 48V at 75A



Re: inverter 12 3000w

Could some one explain : what is the use of the capacitor C5(10,000uf)?

Re: inverter 12 3000w

zackyzacky said:
Could some one explain : what is the use of the capacitor C5(10,000uf)?
It is the supply bypass capacitor that keeps the 12V up when the Mosfets conduct hundreds of Amps. The series inductance of the cable from the battery will cause the 12V to drop without C5.

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