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the external capacitor value

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Feb 11, 2006
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we are developing one IC product to replace the commercial one. When the design completed, I found all the perforamnce meet the spec, except that the exteranl capcitor of mine is 8uF than that of the 0.1uF of commercial one. I want to know, is it any impact to the custermer? I mean from the price, size, the customer will accept it? Assum this capacitor need not so accurate, is any samll size and cheap capacitors availble?


capacitor is very cheap, furthermore 8µF is acceptable and can be buy at market.

In term of performance it only effecting the speed of yourrpoduct where it will be a little bit slower....but it think it will have better output.


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Syukri said:
capacitor is very cheap, furthermore 8µF is acceptable and can be buy at market.

In term of performance it only effecting the speed of yourrpoduct where it will be a little bit slower....but it think it will have better output.

thanks for the reply!
In fact, it will not affect the speed of my part. Because it is used in my dc offset loo part. My biggest concern is the size of the capacitor. For the applications of my chip, it need small and compact. Is this 8uF cap have large size with low price?

In term of external capacitor...outside the chip 8µF is considerable.

But if u mena it for in chip cap of that value, it's quite large...

I think us hould select the best technology to implement the cap to get the low power and low prize. There are several technology to build cap in MOS like PIP or MIM.

chang830 said:
we are developing one IC product to replace the commercial one. When the design completed, I found all the perforamnce meet the spec, except that the exteranl capcitor of mine is 8uF than that of the 0.1uF of commercial one. I want to know, is it any impact to the custermer? I mean from the price, size, the customer will accept it? Assum this capacitor need not so accurate, is any samll size and cheap capacitors availble?


If you go for the lower caps after the fabrication, then you have to consider the effect on the low cut-off frequency of your bandpass response as that will change according to your caps and resistors. If im not mistaken there are many SMT caps which available on the market with the range from pico to micro level with a customized size. Do a survey on electronics components manufacturer catalogs and im sure you can find the caps for your desired value. If the 8uF couldn't be found, then i can suggest you put four 2uF caps is parallel which addup to 8uF and this 2uF is in market. Thanks.


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