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; Remote Controller Transmitter
; Author : zawani
list p=pic16f84a
__config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF
errorlevel -302 ;Eliminate bank warning
;**************** Label Definition ********************
cblock h'0c'
tx_status ;TX status save area
tx_substatus ;TX substatus save area
pattern ;Pattern save area
ptn1 equ b'11110000' ;Pattern 1 data
ptn2 equ b'00001111' ;Pattern 2 data
ra4 equ d'4' ;RA4 bit position
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto int
;**************** Initial Process *********************
init bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank1
movlw b'00000011' ;RA4:OUT RA1,0:IN mode
movwf TRISA ;Set TRISA reg
movlw b'00000101' ;RBPU/TOCS/PSA=0,PS=101
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
clrf PORTA ;Stop wave emission
clrf tx_status ;Clear TX status
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf PORTA,W ;Pick up RA0
btfsc STATUS,Z ;RA0 = 1 (SW1 ON) ?
goto in1 ;No. Check next input
movlw ptn1 ;Set pattern1 data
in0 movwf pattern ;Save pattern data
goto tm ;Jump to timer set
in1 movlw b'00000010' ;Set mask pattern
andwf PORTA,W ;Pick up RA1
btfsc STATUS,Z ;RA1 = 1 (SW2 ON) ?
goto init ;No. Illegal input
movlw ptn2 ;Set pattern2 data
goto in0 ;Jump to pattern save
tm movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movlw h'a0' ;GIE=1,TOIE=1
movwf INTCON ;Interruption enable
goto $ ;Wait interruption
;********* Begin Timer Interruption Process ***********
bcf INTCON,T0IF ;Clear timer int flag
movf tx_status,W ;Read TX status
btfss STATUS,Z ;TX status = 0 ?
goto stchk1 ;No. Next
;************ Preamble data send Process **************
movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto stinc ;Yes. Substatus + 1
movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st01 ;Yes.
movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st02 ;Yes.
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf tx_substatus,W ;Pick up LSB
btfss STATUS,Z ;LSB = 0 (Even) ?
goto st00 ;No. (Odd)
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st00 bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st01 bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st02 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
incf tx_status,f ;Set TX status = 1
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf tx_status,W ;TX status - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;TX status = 1 ?
goto stchk2 ;No. Next
;************ Control data send Process ***************
movf tx_substatus,W ;Read TX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st11 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st10 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st10 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st11 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st12 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st12 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st13 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st13 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st15 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000010' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st14 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st14 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st15 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st16 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st16 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st17 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st17 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st19 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000100' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st18 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st18 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st19 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st20 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st20 movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st21 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st21 movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st23 ;No. Next
movlw b'00001000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st22 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st22 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st23 movlw d'10' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 10 ?
goto st24 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st24 movlw d'11' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 11 ?
goto st25 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st25 movlw d'12' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 12 ?
goto st27 ;No. Next
movlw b'00010000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st26 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st26 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st27 movlw d'13' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 13 ?
goto st28 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st28 movlw d'14' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 14 ?
goto st29 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st29 movlw d'15' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 15 ?
goto st31 ;No. Next
movlw b'00100000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st30 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st30 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st31 movlw d'16' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 16 ?
goto st32 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st32 movlw d'17' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 17 ?
goto st33 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st33 movlw d'18' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 18 ?
goto st35 ;No. Next
movlw b'01000000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st34 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st34 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st35 movlw d'19' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 19 ?
goto st36 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st36 movlw d'20' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 20 ?
goto st37 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st37 movlw d'21' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 21 ?
goto st39 ;No. Next
movlw b'10000000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,w ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st38 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st38 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st39 movlw d'22' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 22 ?
goto st40 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st40 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
incf tx_status,f ;Set TX status = 2
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
;************** End data send Process *****************
stchk2 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto stinc ;No.Jump to Substatus + 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
clrf tx_status ;Clear TX status
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
;*********** Substatus Increment Process **************
stinc incf tx_substatus,f ;Substatus + 1
;******** End of Timer Interruption Process ***********
int_end movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
retfie ;End of interruption
; END of Remote Controller Transmitter
; Remote Controller Receiver
; Author : zawani ichigo
list p=pic16f84a
__config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF
errorlevel -302 ;Eliminate bank warning
;**************** Label Definition ********************
cblock h'0c'
rx_status ;RX status save area
rx_substatus ;RX substatus save area
rx_edge ;Input edge check flag
last_look ;Input last look flag
code_ck ;Code check flag
cont_data ;Control Data
relay ;Relay ON counter
w_save ;W reg save area
s_save ;Status reg save area
ptn1 equ b'11110000' ;Pattern 1 data
ptn2 equ b'00001111' ;Pattern 2 data
ra1 equ d'1' ;RA1 bit position
rb5 equ d'5' ;RB5 bit position
rb7 equ d'7' ;RB7 bit position
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto int
;****************** Initial Process *******************
init bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank1
movlw b'00011111' ;RA4-0:IN mode
movwf TRISA ;Set TRISA reg
movlw b'00000000' ;RB7-0:OUT mode
movwf TRISB ;Set TRISB reg
movlw b'00000101' ;RBPU/TOCS/PSA=0,PS=101
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
clrf rx_status ;Clear RX status
clrf rx_substatus ;Clear RX substatus
clrf rx_edge ;Clear Edge check flag
incf last_look,f ;Set Last Look flag ON
clrf code_ck ;Clear code check flag
clrf cont_data ;Clear Control Data
clrf relay ;Clear Relay ON counter
movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movlw h'a0' ;GIE=1,TOIE=1
movwf INTCON ;Interruption enable
;*********** Initial Input check Process **************
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto check1 ;No. Signal OFF
btfsc last_look,0 ;Last Look flag OFF ?
goto edge_check ;No. Input NOT changed
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Interruption disable
incf code_ck,f ;Set code check flag ON
incf last_look,f ;Set Last Look flag ON
movlw d'178' ;256-5000us/64us = 178
movwf TMR0 ;Set 5msec to TMR0
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Interruption enable
btfss rx_edge,0 ;Input edge check ?
goto wait ;No. Wait interruption
clrf rx_edge ;Clear edge check flag
goto edge_check ;Jump to Input edge check
clrf last_look ;Set Last Look flag OFF
goto edge_check ;Jump to Input edge check
;************ Timer Interruption Process **************
int movwf w_save ;Save W register
movf STATUS,W ;Read STATUS reg
movwf s_save ;Save STATUS reg
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
bcf INTCON,T0IF ;Clear timer int flag
movf relay,W ;Read Relay ON counter
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Counter = 0 ?
goto stchk0 ;Yes
decfsz relay,f ;Counter - 1 = 0 ?
goto stchk0 ;No
clrf PORTB ;Relay OFF
movf code_ck,W ;Read code check flag
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Flag ON ?
goto int_end ;No. End of interruption
movf rx_status,W ;Read RX status
btfss STATUS,Z ;Status = 0 ?
goto stchk1 ;No. Next
;*********** Preamble data check Process *************
movf rx_substatus,W ;Read RX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st00 ;No. Next
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st00 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st01 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st01 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st02 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st02 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st03 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st03 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st04 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st04 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st05 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st05 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st06 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st06 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st07 ;No. Substatus=8
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st07 btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
incf rx_status,f ;RX status = 1
clrf cont_data ;Clear count data
goto int_end ;End of interruption
movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_status,W ;RX status - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;RX status = 1 ?
goto stchk2 ;No. Next
;************ Control data check Process **************
movf rx_substatus,W ;Read RX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st10 ;No. Next
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st10 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st11 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B0 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,0 ;Set B0 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st11 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st12 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st12 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st13 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st13 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st14 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B1 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,1 ;Set B1 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st14 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st15 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st15 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st16 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st16 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st17 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B2 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,2 ;Set B2 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st17 movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st18 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st18 movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st19 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st19 movlw d'10' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 10 ?
goto st20 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B3 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,3 ;Set B3 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st20 movlw d'11' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 11 ?
goto st21 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st21 movlw d'12' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 12 ?
goto st22 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st22 movlw d'13' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 13 ?
goto st23 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B4 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,4 ;Set B4 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st23 movlw d'14' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 14 ?
goto st24 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st24 movlw d'15' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 15 ?
goto st25 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st25 movlw d'16' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 16 ?
goto st26 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B5 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,5 ;Set B5 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st26 movlw d'17' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 17 ?
goto st27 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st27 movlw d'18' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 18 ?
goto st28 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st28 movlw d'19' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 19 ?
goto st29 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B6 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,6 ;Set B6 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st29 movlw d'20' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 20 ?
goto st30 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st30 movlw d'21' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 21 ?
goto st31 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st31 movlw d'22' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 22 ?
goto st32 ;No. Substatus=23
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B7 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,7 ;Set B7 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st32 btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
incf rx_status,f ;RX status = 2
goto int_end ;End of interruption
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
;************** End data check Process ****************
stchk2 btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
;**************** Data check Process ******************
movf cont_data,W ;Read control data
xorlw ptn1 ;Check Pattern1
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = Pattern1 ?
goto dtchk0 ;No.
bcf PORTB,rb7 ;RL2 OFF
bsf PORTB,rb5 ;RL1 ON
goto dtchk1 ;Jump to ON counter set
movf cont_data,W ;Read control data
xorlw ptn2 ;Check Pattern2
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = Pattern2 ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
bcf PORTB,rb5 ;RL1 OFF
bsf PORTB,rb7 ;RL2 ON
dtchk1 movlw d'50' ;Set 500msec Relay ON
movwf relay ;Save Relay ON counter
;***************** Illegal Process ********************
illegal incf rx_edge,f ;Edge check flag ON
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
clrf rx_status ;RX status = 0
clrf code_ck ;Clear code check flag
goto int_end ;End of interruption
;*********** Substatus Increment Process **************
stinc incf rx_substatus,f ;Substatus + 1
;******** End of Timer Interruption Process ***********
int_end movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movf s_save,W ;Read saved STATUS reg
movwf STATUS ;Recover STATUS reg
swapf w_save,f ;Read saved W register
swapf w_save,W ;Recover W register
retfie ;End of interruption
; END of Remote Controller Receiver
; Remote Controller Transmitter
; Author : zawani
list p=pic16f84a
__config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF
errorlevel -302 ;Eliminate bank warning
;**************** Label Definition ********************
cblock h'0c'
tx_status ;TX status save area
tx_substatus ;TX substatus save area
pattern ;Pattern save area
ptn1 equ b'11110000' ;Pattern 1 data
ptn2 equ b'00001111' ;Pattern 2 data
ra4 equ d'4' ;RA4 bit position
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto int
;**************** Initial Process *********************
init bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank1
movlw b'00000011' ;RA4:OUT RA1,0:IN mode
movwf TRISA ;Set TRISA reg
movlw b'00000101' ;RBPU/TOCS/PSA=0,PS=101
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
clrf PORTA ;Stop wave emission
clrf tx_status ;Clear TX status
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf PORTA,W ;Pick up RA0
btfsc STATUS,Z ;RA0 = 1 (SW1 ON) ?
goto in1 ;No. Check next input
movlw ptn1 ;Set pattern1 data
in0 movwf pattern ;Save pattern data
goto tm ;Jump to timer set
in1 movlw b'00000010' ;Set mask pattern
andwf PORTA,W ;Pick up RA1
btfsc STATUS,Z ;RA1 = 1 (SW2 ON) ?
goto init ;No. Illegal input
movlw ptn2 ;Set pattern2 data
goto in0 ;Jump to pattern save
tm movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movlw h'a0' ;GIE=1,TOIE=1
movwf INTCON ;Interruption enable
goto $ ;Wait interruption
;********* Begin Timer Interruption Process ***********
bcf INTCON,T0IF ;Clear timer int flag
movf tx_status,W ;Read TX status
btfss STATUS,Z ;TX status = 0 ?
goto stchk1 ;No. Next
;************ Preamble data send Process **************
movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto stinc ;Yes. Substatus + 1
movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st01 ;Yes.
movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st02 ;Yes.
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf tx_substatus,W ;Pick up LSB
btfss STATUS,Z ;LSB = 0 (Even) ?
goto st00 ;No. (Odd)
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st00 bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st01 bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st02 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
incf tx_status,f ;Set TX status = 1
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf tx_status,W ;TX status - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;TX status = 1 ?
goto stchk2 ;No. Next
;************ Control data send Process ***************
movf tx_substatus,W ;Read TX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st11 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000001' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st10 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st10 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st11 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st12 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st12 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st13 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st13 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st15 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000010' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st14 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st14 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st15 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st16 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st16 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st17 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st17 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st19 ;No. Next
movlw b'00000100' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st18 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st18 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st19 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st20 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st20 movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st21 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st21 movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st23 ;No. Next
movlw b'00001000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st22 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st22 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st23 movlw d'10' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 10 ?
goto st24 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st24 movlw d'11' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 11 ?
goto st25 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st25 movlw d'12' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 12 ?
goto st27 ;No. Next
movlw b'00010000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st26 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st26 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st27 movlw d'13' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 13 ?
goto st28 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st28 movlw d'14' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 14 ?
goto st29 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st29 movlw d'15' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 15 ?
goto st31 ;No. Next
movlw b'00100000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st30 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st30 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st31 movlw d'16' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 16 ?
goto st32 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st32 movlw d'17' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 17 ?
goto st33 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st33 movlw d'18' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 18 ?
goto st35 ;No. Next
movlw b'01000000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,W ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st34 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st34 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st35 movlw d'19' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 19 ?
goto st36 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st36 movlw d'20' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 20 ?
goto st37 ;No. Next
bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st37 movlw d'21' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 21 ?
goto st39 ;No. Next
movlw b'10000000' ;Set mask pattern
andwf pattern,w ;Pick up data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = 0 ?
goto st38 ;No. Data = 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st38 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st39 movlw d'22' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 22 ?
goto st40 ;No. Next
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st40 bsf PORTA,ra4 ;Start wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
incf tx_status,f ;Set TX status = 2
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
;************** End data send Process *****************
stchk2 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf tx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto stinc ;No.Jump to Substatus + 1
bcf PORTA,ra4 ;Stop wave emission
clrf tx_substatus ;Clear TX substatus
clrf tx_status ;Clear TX status
goto int_end ;Jump to timer int end
;*********** Substatus Increment Process **************
stinc incf tx_substatus,f ;Substatus + 1
;******** End of Timer Interruption Process ***********
int_end movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
retfie ;End of interruption
; END of Remote Controller Transmitter
; Remote Controller Receiver
; Author : zawani ichigo
list p=pic16f84a
__config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _CP_OFF
errorlevel -302 ;Eliminate bank warning
;**************** Label Definition ********************
cblock h'0c'
rx_status ;RX status save area
rx_substatus ;RX substatus save area
rx_edge ;Input edge check flag
last_look ;Input last look flag
code_ck ;Code check flag
cont_data ;Control Data
relay ;Relay ON counter
w_save ;W reg save area
s_save ;Status reg save area
ptn1 equ b'11110000' ;Pattern 1 data
ptn2 equ b'00001111' ;Pattern 2 data
ra1 equ d'1' ;RA1 bit position
rb5 equ d'5' ;RB5 bit position
rb7 equ d'7' ;RB7 bit position
;**************** Program Start ***********************
org 0 ;Reset Vector
goto init
org 4 ;Interrupt Vector
goto int
;****************** Initial Process *******************
init bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank1
movlw b'00011111' ;RA4-0:IN mode
movwf TRISA ;Set TRISA reg
movlw b'00000000' ;RB7-0:OUT mode
movwf TRISB ;Set TRISB reg
movlw b'00000101' ;RBPU/TOCS/PSA=0,PS=101
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
clrf rx_status ;Clear RX status
clrf rx_substatus ;Clear RX substatus
clrf rx_edge ;Clear Edge check flag
incf last_look,f ;Set Last Look flag ON
clrf code_ck ;Clear code check flag
clrf cont_data ;Clear Control Data
clrf relay ;Clear Relay ON counter
movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movlw h'a0' ;GIE=1,TOIE=1
movwf INTCON ;Interruption enable
;*********** Initial Input check Process **************
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto check1 ;No. Signal OFF
btfsc last_look,0 ;Last Look flag OFF ?
goto edge_check ;No. Input NOT changed
bcf INTCON,GIE ;Interruption disable
incf code_ck,f ;Set code check flag ON
incf last_look,f ;Set Last Look flag ON
movlw d'178' ;256-5000us/64us = 178
movwf TMR0 ;Set 5msec to TMR0
bsf INTCON,GIE ;Interruption enable
btfss rx_edge,0 ;Input edge check ?
goto wait ;No. Wait interruption
clrf rx_edge ;Clear edge check flag
goto edge_check ;Jump to Input edge check
clrf last_look ;Set Last Look flag OFF
goto edge_check ;Jump to Input edge check
;************ Timer Interruption Process **************
int movwf w_save ;Save W register
movf STATUS,W ;Read STATUS reg
movwf s_save ;Save STATUS reg
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Change to Bank0
bcf INTCON,T0IF ;Clear timer int flag
movf relay,W ;Read Relay ON counter
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Counter = 0 ?
goto stchk0 ;Yes
decfsz relay,f ;Counter - 1 = 0 ?
goto stchk0 ;No
clrf PORTB ;Relay OFF
movf code_ck,W ;Read code check flag
btfsc STATUS,Z ;Flag ON ?
goto int_end ;No. End of interruption
movf rx_status,W ;Read RX status
btfss STATUS,Z ;Status = 0 ?
goto stchk1 ;No. Next
;*********** Preamble data check Process *************
movf rx_substatus,W ;Read RX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st00 ;No. Next
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st00 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st01 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st01 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st02 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st02 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st03 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st03 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st04 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st04 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st05 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st05 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st06 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st06 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st07 ;No. Substatus=8
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st07 btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
incf rx_status,f ;RX status = 1
clrf cont_data ;Clear count data
goto int_end ;End of interruption
movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_status,W ;RX status - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;RX status = 1 ?
goto stchk2 ;No. Next
;************ Control data check Process **************
movf rx_substatus,W ;Read RX substatus
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 0 ?
goto st10 ;No. Next
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st10 movlw d'1' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 1 ?
goto st11 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B0 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,0 ;Set B0 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st11 movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto st12 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st12 movlw d'3' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 3 ?
goto st13 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st13 movlw d'4' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 4 ?
goto st14 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B1 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,1 ;Set B1 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st14 movlw d'5' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 5 ?
goto st15 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st15 movlw d'6' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 6 ?
goto st16 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st16 movlw d'7' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 7 ?
goto st17 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B2 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,2 ;Set B2 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st17 movlw d'8' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 8 ?
goto st18 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st18 movlw d'9' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 9 ?
goto st19 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st19 movlw d'10' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 10 ?
goto st20 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B3 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,3 ;Set B3 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st20 movlw d'11' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 11 ?
goto st21 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st21 movlw d'12' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 12 ?
goto st22 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st22 movlw d'13' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 13 ?
goto st23 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B4 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,4 ;Set B4 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st23 movlw d'14' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 14 ?
goto st24 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st24 movlw d'15' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 15 ?
goto st25 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st25 movlw d'16' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 16 ?
goto st26 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B5 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,5 ;Set B5 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st26 movlw d'17' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 17 ?
goto st27 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st27 movlw d'18' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 18 ?
goto st28 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st28 movlw d'19' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 19 ?
goto st29 ;No.
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B6 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,6 ;Set B6 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st29 movlw d'20' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 20 ?
goto st30 ;No.
goto st_off ;Input signal OFF ?
st30 movlw d'21' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 21 ?
goto st31 ;No.
goto st_on ;Input signal ON ?
st31 movlw d'22' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 22 ?
goto st32 ;No. Substatus=23
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;B7 = 1 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
bsf cont_data,7 ;Set B7 = 1
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
st32 btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
incf rx_status,f ;RX status = 2
goto int_end ;End of interruption
btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
btfsc PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal OFF ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
;************** End data check Process ****************
stchk2 btfss PORTA,ra1 ;Input signal ON ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
movlw d'2' ;Set check data
subwf rx_substatus,W ;Substatus - check data
btfss STATUS,Z ;Substatus = 2 ?
goto stinc ;Jump to Substatus + 1
;**************** Data check Process ******************
movf cont_data,W ;Read control data
xorlw ptn1 ;Check Pattern1
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = Pattern1 ?
goto dtchk0 ;No.
bcf PORTB,rb7 ;RL2 OFF
bsf PORTB,rb5 ;RL1 ON
goto dtchk1 ;Jump to ON counter set
movf cont_data,W ;Read control data
xorlw ptn2 ;Check Pattern2
btfss STATUS,Z ;Data = Pattern2 ?
goto illegal ;No. Jump to illegal
bcf PORTB,rb5 ;RL1 OFF
bsf PORTB,rb7 ;RL2 ON
dtchk1 movlw d'50' ;Set 500msec Relay ON
movwf relay ;Save Relay ON counter
;***************** Illegal Process ********************
illegal incf rx_edge,f ;Edge check flag ON
clrf rx_substatus ;RX substatus = 0
clrf rx_status ;RX status = 0
clrf code_ck ;Clear code check flag
goto int_end ;End of interruption
;*********** Substatus Increment Process **************
stinc incf rx_substatus,f ;Substatus + 1
;******** End of Timer Interruption Process ***********
int_end movlw d'100' ;256-10000us/64us = 100
movwf TMR0 ;Set 10msec to TMR0
movf s_save,W ;Read saved STATUS reg
movwf STATUS ;Recover STATUS reg
swapf w_save,f ;Read saved W register
swapf w_save,W ;Recover W register
retfie ;End of interruption
; END of Remote Controller Receiver