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Question about (2D FDTD program with pml )

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Jan 4, 2006
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fdtd program

This the fdtd_3.2 program in Sullivan book

This program is simple two dimensional FDTD program in free space with gaussian
source in position at (jc,kc) cell of the problem space with PML absorbing boundary conditions.

When i run this program i get the same result graph in the book for nmax=100

But when i run the program for nmax=800, reflection occurs.
Is this due error in the program or what is the reason?

pml 2d

yes, the theory in sullivan's book is not quit right. the PML sullivan deduced is only applicable for 1D and in the edge part of the PML, at the corner where both sigx, sigy exit, the program is not right . you must using the original berenger's PML theory and deduce the correct formula


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I have the same problem, and I'm trying to solve it by using PML described in Taflove's book

nikolova 2d fdtd pml

If u get the right program plz send it to me.
It is urgent for me.

toyfdtd+c source code

Can somebody please upload the book

fdtd pml 2d

It is uploaed somewhere in edaboard searh for it.
if you didn't find it i can send it to you

sullivan pml correct

Who implement it already? Where I can find examples on C++???

nikolova 2d fdtd pml part4 is not working!
Is it moved somewhere?

and CD of taflove's book contains 2D FDTD example with PML (matlab)
I think it is not easy to get the source file written in c.
So, I recommend you to read Berenger's original paper.
It is easy to understand his idea with some figures.

good luck.

fdtd+pml+matlab code+2d

The link for Toyfdtd webiste is available in>codes


Sorry I don't know how I can connect toyfdtd.
I tried (>codes) but can't :(
Could you explain that?

what is pml program?

Engmfarhat !.. I think you mean 2D PML program that is working chek it out again at T = 1860 everything is absorbed for 2D but in 3D there is problem i Think in Sullivan's book or may be I am doing the mistake the program in C codes that i am running is already in the form you can download it the link is below
and i fyou have other working code please could you share them in the link that we give see you soon

(if you have good code lets share )

with my best regards

fdtd+pml+2d code

I think that better to use exampleof PML from Tfalove book matlab examples.

sullivan pml

Dear kubba , wher is the example of the PML in Taflove s book you mean the chapter 7 i think , other wise there is no written code fro pml in taflove's book as much as i know,

fdtd programme for two dimensional

I have codes from S.Hagnes. I think it goes originally with Taflove book

2d pml code

Please upload them in the edabord

fdtd pml codes

The main website of ToyFDTD is removed the authors personal page. I find the now site but lost it very next time i restarted (Thanks to the virus). Fortunately i manged to save a copy of the code. and here it is

pml 2d

Hi There:
I have find complete listing of TOYFDTD codes,

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