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Need help how to make TCP/IP protocol

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Oct 28, 2004
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Hi all,
may i know how to make TCP/IP protocol using uC? is it possible? I planned to store my MAC address in my ROM because i don't want to connect it to internet .i think i can make some uc network using switch ..... So may i know the frame data etc and of course the physical (Did they used RS485? protocol)
Thanks a lot for your comment

Best Regards....

may be usefull for you


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Everything you ever wanted to know about internet protocols (but not microcontroller programming):

TCP is RFC 793.
IP is RFC 791.
UDP is RFC 768.
ARP is RFC 826.
ICMP is RFC 792.

You must know your MAC address *before* connecting to the internet. A ROM is a good place to store it.


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If you want to connect uCs in TCP/IP network you will need a ethernet controller + PHY connected to every uC, or a uC with embedded ethernet controller.


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Thanks all for your repply....

Anyone know why the data from the NIC can be send to more than 10m? did i need to make special receiver(maybe rs485) to connect it to my microcontroller?
Thanks for your information.

Best regards

Rooftop, your question about 10m and RS485 is confusing. Are you talking about ethernet? Those words don't have anything to do with ethernet.


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I'm sorry because i'm not so good in english... thanks for your comment echo47 :)

Assume i have known the frame and the data, but did the level of the 1 in data is 5 volt or not? Because at that level the data will be lost isn't it? except you are using an special kind of "amplifier" so the data can reach more than 20m(meter) right?
Now i need to know what kind of amplifier that NIC used to send and reach data.... if there's any amplifier.

That's it ... is it clear now?
Thanks a lot for your attention.
Best Regards

Your english is clear enough, but your question is missing information. ;) What type of physical interface are you talking about? Maybe 10BASE-T, or 100BASE-T, or AUI, or something else? They all have different electrical characteristics. TCP/IP and Internet are not physical interfaces.

Nomally you don't connect the physical interface directly to a microcontroller, because the protocol is too fast and complicated. Most designs use an external PHY and MAC chip.

If you want to know how 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T work, you can read the IEEE 802.3-2002 standard. Beware, it's not simple!


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Try Microchip. they have a complete solution with the ENC28J60 and with one of the PIC MCU. you will find the STACK source code and much more at:

Good luck.

Hi all, thanks for all of your responses... i think i can started my project.
Actually what i want is to know how to connect it physically, and of course if i can i want to avoid using special devices... maybe if the microcontroller can't do it, i will do it with FPGA or else, but what i need is how to dissect the data and connect it physically.

Thanks a lot for your helps...

Best Regards

Hi all,
Does anyone help me to undestand this circuit?
I don't know how to transfer data from AVR microcontroller to PC or other devices (microcontroller) through network.

my email :
best regards.

Hi. Here is book and source code for pic
\**broken link removed**
10543 KB

Sourcecode (from the CD):
\**broken link removed**
3385 KB

rar password for both files:

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