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verilog bus
Hi i have 2 8 bit address and data buses and a clock.
I want to put these onto 1 bus using the clock in verilog
Im thinking of something like this:
How can i finalise this? any other suggestions?
I need a solution that is good for synthesis so the clock cant be used in the combinational logic part
Thank you
Added after 11 minutes:
this is the way i was going to do it which is functionally fine but is a disaster for synthesis:
Hi i have 2 8 bit address and data buses and a clock.
I want to put these onto 1 bus using the clock in verilog
Im thinking of something like this:
always @ posedge clock
temp1 = addr;
always @ negedge clock
temp2 = data;
assign multiplexed_addr_data = temp1 (some operator) temp2;
How can i finalise this? any other suggestions?
I need a solution that is good for synthesis so the clock cant be used in the combinational logic part
Thank you
Added after 11 minutes:
this is the way i was going to do it which is functionally fine but is a disaster for synthesis:
always @ clock
if clock
mult_addr_data = addr;
mult_addr_data = data;